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Colts Influence
Thursday, 4 October 2007
New England Patriots The Best
Mood:  silly

I am so tired of hearing every year how incredible Tom Brady and The New England Patriots are. The New England Patriots make the AFC Playoffs every year for the simple reason they are the better Team of the 4 weak ass teams. Put The Patriots in The AFC South Division; up against The Houston Texans, Jacksonville Jaguars and Tennessee Titans. And then put The Indianapolis Colts in the AFC East Division. Let’s see if The Patriots can handle that load.

And now in week 4 of 2007 there is the talk of how The Patriots have destroyed all of their opponents. They beat

The New York Jets, San Diego Chargers, Buffalo Bills and The Cincinnati Bengals who all hold a 1-3 win/loss record.

WOW. Pretty tuff job Patriots.

If their so good, why did Belichick feel they needed to cheat. Or have they always been cheating and are they still?

See ya November 4th!

Posted by ia3/colts at 3:13 PM
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Friday, 12 October 2007 - 12:43 PM

Name: "Colts Fan"
Home Page: http://none

I TOTALLY agree here. Fine, the New England Patriots do have a good team, and yes, they have improved with Randy Moss but they will NEVER be a solid team like the Indianapolis Colts. I was kind of pissed off today when I saw these odds on which team had a better chance to go undefeated, and new england was favorite! Common, Indy almost made it in 2005 and I assure you this year will be THE YEAR. The game against the Bucs proves it, they don't need big players to win against a tough defense. See ya in November!

Found the odds here:

Friday, 12 October 2007 - 2:24 PM

Name: "Colts Influence Webmaster"
Home Page:

Sure they may have a good team, but like I said, put ‘em in our division and Colts in theirs and let’s see what happens. As I also said, they’re 5-0 right now cos they’ve played weak ass teams so far. But come Sunday we’ll see how they stand up. Then they’ll have another easy Miami win. Then hopefully Washington will give them a challenge and hopefully a defeat. Then! Then . . .

Then they go up against The World Champion’s Indianapolis Colts! Then another easy win for them with Bills that they’ve already played and beaten, then They go up against Baltimore who should give them a game and then The Steelers who should put a hurtin’ on ‘em.  They’ll end up with 2 more wins as they play Jets and Miami again. Then hopefully another loss to The Giants.

Monday, 5 November 2007 - 4:47 AM

Name: "Jooker"

I think you are going to find that you have put your foot in your mouth very soon.  The Colts will be brought up on cheating charges this week.  The charge- Piped in crowd noise.  My point- they all cheat, including your Colts.

Monday, 5 November 2007 - 7:43 AM

Name: "bradylover"

Hello Losers!!!!  Look who got cheating now....and you still LOST!!!! Pumping in crowd noise...and letting the cd skip....idiots! Peyton is a sore loser who blames everyone else....CLASSLESS. The Pats are better....just admit it....Brady is a class act....and Peyton is a BABY!

Monday, 5 November 2007 - 3:16 PM

Name: "Colts blow"

Nice loss. Of course the Pats cheated how could they beat the colts, the crowd and the refs?? The Colts suck. 2 pass intf calls that were the worst calls in the history of the nfl, that result in 6 points and 1 play from addai whooo .. scary O

Monday, 5 November 2007 - 4:27 PM

Name: "Jon Anderson"

Read the news d*****s,

CBS screwed up and The NFL  confirms this. Colts don't neet to cheat.

See ya'll in the playoffs, that's what counts!


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