Colts Influence
Constructed, destructed and reconstructed
The Colts Influence
The Colts Influence
Message Board The Colts Influence has started a Colts Forum / Message Board.
How do I register?
Why Register? It's a place where people come to communicate. A person posts or sends a message that is then available for others to read and post their own comments. It is much like posting or tacking a message on a bulletin board that everyone can read. Others may come by and post responses to the original message or post their own message. This is a message board for all Colts Fans, including myself to use to hold discussions about The Indianapolis Colts or to post questions about The Indianapolis Colts for others to answer. This is a public message board, so please keep your comments and questions appropriate and relevant to what is going on in Colts Influence Message Board. We hope that this will provide an avenue to continue discussion on topics relating to The Indianapolis Colts mentioned in small groups. We do hope that this feature of our website will encourage growth in years to come.
I hope you enjoy this
new tool. The Rules are very simple . . . The major rule here is to keep this a friendly place to hold discussions or get your questions answered.
Please refrain from
using profanity, name calling, and posting unrelated messages to the
stated COLTS topic.
Forum Interaction -
Moderators are people who have control over a specific section of a forum. They have the ability to delete posts/threads, lock topics (make it so no one can reply), unlock topics (if they were locked), and modify any and all postings on the board (no matter who they are posted by) First, you must be a registered user and logged in. On the index page, a folder icon that has a blue dot on it will be displayed if a board has posts you haven't read on it. On the individual boards, a "NEW" icon will be placed next to threads you have not read yet. Also as a registered member you can get email notification of new posts should you enable the feature.
To reply to a message, click the "reply" button at the top or bottom of the page the post is on. This will take you to a form that you can use to reply to that post. Alternatively, if the administrator has enabled it, a reply box will appear at the bottom of the list of posts. You can quickly type your reply and submit it from there, If neither of this appears, it is because you do not have access to make a reply. If you are a guest, try registering.
If you are a member,
the post is either "locked" or is staff only.
To read a message, you need to click on the subject of the message displayed as a list within a board. If you are having trouble finding the posts for a board, start at the index page, then select the board you want to view. On that page you should see a list of all the posts on the board. If no posts appear it could either be because there are none, or because you do not have access to them. On the page that lists all of the posts on a board, you will see an icon in the top right that says "new thread." By clicking this icon you can post a new message on the board. If this icon does not appear it is because you do not have access to post there. It could be because you are a guest and need to register, or it could be because it is staff only posting. All that you need to know about registering and being a Colts Influence forum member Simple!
Simply press the "register"
button on the forums toolbar. Once this has happened, you will be emailed an activation code. This is done to validate your email address, and is only done once. You can either click the link given in your email, or manually type the code in the box provided on the forum. Once you have done this you will be registered for posting There are many benefits to registering. By registering, all posts you make will automatically have your account information filled in.
You will be able to
see which posts are new You can get email notification of replies to your posts. You can send private messages to other members.
Also, no one will be
able to post using your name There are many more reasons to register, but there are just too many to list. We strongly encourage you to register for any board you could potentially become active on.
All members can now become invisible! Invisibility prevents your name from showing up on the online list, and prevents your status showing as "online" This allows you to navigate forums without other members knowing your actually there. Administrators of the forums can still see you, but that is all. To enable invisibility, select the option to be invisible from you're profile Avatars are the image which displays in your profile which represents you. In order to stop you adding a huge avatar which distorts the page, a 100x100 pixel limit has been set. This is the maximum limit for which the system will let you display avatars Karma is basically a member rating system based on their actions. If you feel a member has done something good, you would give them positive karma, if you feel they have done something bad, you give them negative. This system either adds or subtracts 1 from the users karma count. This is only of course assuming the admin of the forum has enabled karma (in general settings in admin) The exalt link gives the user positive karma, and the smite gives them negative
You are limited to 1
issue of karma each hour to avoid foul play.
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