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Are you a die-hard Colts fan?
 If so, show us your colors!

We here at Colts Influence would like to show to the rest of the world
Send us your pics

Tom Brady is a BIG time COLTS FAN
I Love The Colts!

That's Me and 2 of The 2005 Colts Cheerleaders


Bills vs. Colts game August 19, 2010 at Toronto Rogers Centre. For the love of NFL, the neighboring Jumping Girl gets proactive and tries to get onto the Jumbotron and is Youtubed! Girl, you are now famous!!

Photos sent in by Candace Lewis from Harlan, KY on January 12, 2011

Ethan Lewis,2

Alex Lewis, 11


Photos sent in by Renee Wilson January 9, 2011


Added a new colts fan to the family!
Sent in by Jim Archer

Sent in by Robert Mc Cormack
July 13, 2008

A thoughtful moment outside the RCA dome before the Colts Broncos playoff game, Jan 05

This is a pic of me and my Brother taken at the Colts Steelers game in Nov 06. 
My brother flew in from Ireland for the game and is now a die hard colts fan!

Sent in by Jay Dod
Apr 18, 2008 

Sent in by Tammy Thompson
Dec 17, 2007 

Sent in by Joann 
Otherwise known as roperbarbie at MyColts.Net

Dec 17, 2007 

Me and my husband, Rudy at the Cowboy-COLTS pre-season game 2007.
 He's a die-hard Cowboy fan and I bleed Indy BLUE!!

This is me at work in my COLTS office! I live in Dallas!!

Sent in by indyjayman on My
Dec 17, 2007 

The pic with me and 2 cheerleaders was taken on Sept 8, 2007 in Terre Haute Indiana.  Holly B, me, and Tessa D.

This pic is of me and Blue.  Taken in Indy on Blue Tuesday October 30, 2007

Sent in by Janell Brown
Dec 15, 2007

Sent in by Joeli Wheatley 
Nov 19, 2007 


Sent in by Danny Kiser

Sent in by Ted Kissel
prior to Colts VS New England Pathetics
On November 4, 2007

Then The Infamous The Lombardi Trophy Tour

Colts Drum Line


Sent in by Shannon Morton 

My son, Adam is one of the tenor players in the drum line and I'm a proud parent and long time Colts fan. 

Sent in by John Owen

Me  wearing my Colts jersey at my friend's house party last weekend. 
I've been a huge fan of the Colts since I started watching NFL about 10 years ago
(I'm from England, and they don't really make much of deal of American Football
apart from SuperBowl night).

Sent in by
Jim Archer
Cornfed Auto L.L.C
Cool site. Love the Brady picture.
Aug 04, 2007 

This is The Webmaster's Brother-In-Law with The Lombardi Trophy

Here's a couple of pictures of my two little Colts fans.
My daughters name is Alanah and my son is Shelby

Sent in by Anissa

Anissa's new tattoo 4/11/2007

Sent in by Richard Breedlove

This is a pic of me with my daughters at the Colts Super Bowl Pep Rally 
after they won the Super Bowl!!

Sent in by Chad Tinsley

taken (2005) at the Pittsburgh play-off game.

from left to right; Scott, Kevin, Larry and Mike

The Gilliam Family

Sent in by Dilon's Mommy

Sent in by Rach693

Sent in by Eric

Sent in by Shawn Short

We followed the colts to Foxboro. It was a sad sad day!

Sent in by Loretta Stuthers

Dave Clark and his wife have been season ticket holders for 3 years now.
Says. "It is the best money ever spent."
Jul 18, 2006 


Bad Bentley
a true Colts fan
Sent in by Mark Woodhams
Jan 05, 2006 


A crucial moment in the game.
Sent in by
Marcha Doyle
Dec 27, 2005 



This is Clyde, he is a 1 1/2 year old Boxer.  He tailgates at all the Colts home games in the NK Hurst parking lot.

Dec 04, 2005 


Here are a few from the browns game . . . 
we are the terre haute blue crew.
we have a white school bus that we converted into a colts tailgator!!  one pic is general tailgating and
 the other is a pic of our famous "horse legs" on the grill!!!

Nov 21, 2005 



From CC Marshall
Here is a pic taken in Marion Indiana at the Make It Personal. That's me in the 'wig' and glasses and my daughter in the Colts visor.
November 16, 2005



Copyright © 2004 Jon's

Images, Inc. All rights reserved

This website is an unofficial source of news and information continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. A fan based site dedicated to the Indianapolis Colts and its fans and is not associated with the Indianapolis Colts, the National Football League, any school, team or league or any other media site.

This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines. Please take the time to visit the Source page to get a semi-complete listing of these sources, articles, sites and fans.

Pictures and logos, team names are property of the National Football League and/or The Indianapolis Colts.
This site is maintained for research purposes only.
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