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My Top Ten Page

Welcome to my top ten page. Here, I will list my top ten whatevers to, well, whatever. As to how often I will update this, I have no idea. Just check back now and then.

Top Ten Reasons To Pick Up A Theatre Major

10. It's a small major (with even less work than a business minor).

9. It's the only place where you are on a first name basis with your professors.

8. Requirements for acting include freeze tag and apples, oranges, and bananas. (Maybe all we needed to know did come from kindergarten.)

7. Referring to "that damn Bush" gets you instant respect among peers and faculty.

6. Playing with power tools is a graduation requirement.

5. Your parents will develop a stutter.

4. Big words are encouraged whether you fully understand the meanings or not.

3. Everyone gets hugs, and no one screams harrassment.

2. In one way or another, sex is the real theme in 80% of the productions.

1. By getting even a bit part in a play, you can always tell your grandchildren about the days you were show business.