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3751 Excursion August 2002

On August 19, 2002, restored Santa Fe northern type (that is, a 4-8-4) 3751 ran from Los Angeles to Williams, Arizona for an NRHS convention. 3751 is the class engine of Santa Fe's earliest model of 4-8-4's, and it's the only big Santa Fe steamer that has been restored to operating condition. This is the first time it ran under its own power since it's visit to the Sacramento Railfair in 1999. The eastbound trip ran on the Metrolink San Bernardino line via Pasadena and returned on the "transcon" via Fullerton. The engine performed flawlessly throughout the excusion, as well as its several outings on the Grand Canyon Railway and the Arizona & California. I chased the excursion train from La Verne to Ludlow. I didn't get as many shots as I would have like because my camera got jammed and it took me a while to repair it. I continued to chase it, but without taking pictures. 3751 is a very nicely proportioned 4-8-4, and in my own humble opinon, the most beautiful restored big steam engine out there.

The first sighting of 3751. This was an interesting choice of lines to run 3751 on, as it's an ex-SP branchline that parallels and eventually joins the old Pasadena Sub of the ATSF.

3751 puts on a volcanic performance as it accelerates out of Montclair. What this photo doesn't show is that behind me, there is a railroad crossing and a strip mall next to the tracks. When the engineer let fly on the whistle, people poured out of the businesses to get a glimpse at what had made such a strange sound. They certainly weren't disappointed. It was interesting to watch the expressions of the drivers waiting at the crossing. When the gates first went down, they had that usual look of disgust, but when 3751 went across some people's jaws dropped.

After what seemed like a forever stop at San Bernardino, 3751 heads east to begin it climb up Cajon Pass.

3751 storms up Blue Cut.

This excursion train had some of the best looking cars I'd ever seen.

The Plaza Santa Fe is now a private car, but it once ran on the Super Chief as one of the deluxe "Pleasure Domes" that included the private dining area known as the Turquois Room.

I've never seen this car before, but it was certainly carried the markers well. It was lettered for MKT, although it could well be a private car decked out as an MKT car.

The train had to stop near Cajon due to the engine's firebox tripping a defect detector. Note that as it gets underway again, the P42 helper is smoking more than the 3751!

3751 stopped again on Cajon just shy of the I-15 underpass. The air hose on the D&RGW car had sprung a leak, causing an emergency brake application. Note the freight train stopped behind 3751's train. It afforded me a chance to shoot it from several angles.

At this point, my camera jammed, so I didn't get another shot of the train until Ludlow.

3751 heads east through Ludlow as the sun sets behind it. It was doing about 60mph here, but had been going as fast as 80mph earlier. With it's 80 inch drivers, 3751 was easily capable of 100mph. It was hard keeping up with it. At this point, I called it a day.