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All About Me!

Hello everyone and welcome to my webpage. It's nothing special yet, but hopefully I'll get some time soon to make it better.
Some info about me...
I am a ?? year old girl living in Idaho.... okay this whole age thing doesn't work... cuz I don't update this page that often. I was born in Nov of 1981. If you really care... YOU figure out how old I am.
I was raised in a tiny little town (population approx 1,016) by the name of Arco.
I graduated from Butte High School in 2000, as a Valedictorian.
I am currently attending Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where I hope to one day graduate and get a real job.

I have a huge variety of hobbies, I enjoy sewing, cooking, playing RPGs (pencil & paper, MUDs, video games), drawing, cross-stitching, writing, and a whole bunch of other things.

If you really feel like you need to email me, I can be reached at

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