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Setting up a Border Background

I've had several people ask me how to set up the border backgrounds here so their content is contained within the "blank" part of the background. Here's the code you need to use, as well as the invisible gif file that is required.

You will need to right click on the gif and save it to your computer, then upload it to your server.

After the <body> tag (where your body is set up), you'll need to put a table, using the invisible gif in the cell for the border. Just copy and paste the code below, changing the URL to the directory where you've uploaded the gif, and adjusting the width to accommodate the border. The borders on this site use widths anywhere from 80 to 200. I usually start with 120, then put some of my content up and adjust the width as needed so it's centered.

<table><tr><td><img src="http://URL_FOR_GIF" ALT="none" width=### height="0"></td><td>

Then, at the end of your document, just before the </body> tag, you close out the table with this:


Remember, just change the URL to the directory where you've uploaded the gif, and then the width number to accommodate the border you've chosen.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an e-mail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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