THEY HUNGER PART 2: THE HUNTERS FADE IN: EXT. THE WOODS - NIGHT A solitary blackhawk helicopter flies overhead as two men sit around a small campfire. They are JACK DAVIS and LOU HARMON. JACK Man, I can't believe you talked me into going hunting. We didn't get anything. LOU Hey, it's better than fishing. Or just sitting at home. JACK Yeah, who would want to sit in their cozy living room watching T.V. when they could have all this? LOU Smart ass. Look, maybe tomorrow we will have better luck. JACK I hope......... Suddenly, a rustling sound comes from the woods. The snapping of twigs can be heard as someone walks ever closer. LOU Jack, grab your gun. I think it's a bear. JACK A bear? They don't have bears around here.......Do they? Jack grabs his gun and aims it at the rustling noise. Suddenly, it stops. LOU What the heck? It stopped. Dude, you scared it! C'mon lets get it before it gets away! Lou then takes off into the woods with a shotgun. Jack hesitates for a moment. He then chases after his friend. CUT TO: Jack is running through the woods. He has lost sight of Lou. His footprints have become an echo in the distance. JACK Lou? There is no response. Jack stops running. He tries to hear which way Lou went. Suddenly the silence is disturbed with the sound of screaming. It is Lou! His screams are followed by gunshots. Then silence. JACK (CONT'D) LOU?! Jack then begins running toward the direction of the sounds. He runs for what seems like an eternity before coming to a stop. Before him on the ground is Lou's shotgun. It has been bent out of shape. Blood covers the handle. Yet, there is no sign of Lou. Jack examines the shotgun where it lies. He is almost afraid to pick it up so he leaves it on the ground. Suddenly, a sort of groan comes from the darkness of the woods behind him. JACK (CONT'D) Lou! Lou stumbles out of the darkness. He looks very pale. Blood drips from his head. JACK (CONT'D) Lou, are you alright? Lou only groans in a reply. Jack notices that he looks very strange. Almost dead. Something is wrong with his eyes. Suddenly, Lou attacks. He lunges at Jack. However, Jack blocks him with the butt of his shotgun. Lou hits the butt stock and tumbles backward onto the ground. Jack slowly backs away as Lou gets back up to his feet. JACK (CONT'D) What the hell's the matter with you Lou? Lou still does not respond. He just begins walking toward Jack slowly. He finally begins to speak. LOU .........Hunger........... JACK Stop Lou. Don't come any closer. Lou just continues lumbering forward. JACK (CONT'D) Lou, I mean it. I'm going to shoot you. Lou still does not listen. Jack aims the shotgun and fires at his left knee cap. Lou's entire leg is blown off at the knee. He falls to the ground. JACK (CONT'D) Goddamn it Lou, why didn't ya listen to me? Lou is not affected by the loss of his leg. He tries to balance on his one good leg and come after Jack. However, it is no use. Lou just drags himself across the ground. JACK (CONT'D) Goddamn it. Jack puts the shotgun to Lou's head as he crawls closer and pulls the trigger. CUT TO: EXT. THE NIGHT SKY The stars are shining brightly. The sky however is an odd color. It is peaceful. Suddenly, the blast of the shotgun rings out. It echoes into the silence. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. THE MANSION GATES Jack walks up the gates of a mansion. The front door is open. Many bloodstains cover the ground next to a luxury car. Jack loads a couple shells into the shotgun and gives it a pump. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION Jack walks into the living room. To his left is a door that leads to a library. To his right, a flight of stairs. Jack takes the stairs. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - SECOND FLOOR Jack walks up into the second floor landing. He walks toward a hallway which has 4 doorways. At the end of the hall is a window. The strange color of the night sky can be seen through it. As Jack walks closer, he can hear what sounds like a muffled voice. He then hears banging noises. Suddenly, a door at the end of the hall is thrown open. A soldier falls out of the door into the hallway. He is bound and gagged. He tries crawling away from it. Suddenly, some unseen presence begins dragging the soldier back into the room. When he is completely out of sight, the door slams shut. The hallway is then filled with the gargling sound of bloodfilled lungs. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - HALLWAY Jack walks to the door and kicks it in. He is first met with the sight of the soldier. He has been ripped open. He then see's the two blood-covered zombies responsible. CUT TO: INT. THE ROOM Jack enters the room firing. He blasts the zombies with the shotgun knocking them both to the ground. They both have holes in their chests. As they begin getting back up, Jack finishes them off. He then turns the shotgun on the soldier and blows his head off. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - HALLWAY Jack exits the room and looks out the window. He wipes blood from his face and turns around. As he does, something large charges at him. It moves too fast for him to see it clearly. He is knocked out the window. CAMERA P.O.V. We see through Jack's eyes. We see the ground coming closer by the second until..... BAM! Blackness. FADE OUT: FADE IN: INT. THE MILITARY ENCAMPMENT - BRIEFING ROOM Colonel Briggs sits at a desk as CORPORAL SHEPARD stands before him at attention. COLONEL BRIGGS Corporal Shepard, do you know why you have been called here? SHEPARD Sir, no sir! I was given no details sir. BRIGGS Good, good. Son, we need you for a "Covert" mission. SHEPARD Sir, Covert Ops are my specialty, Sir. BRIGGS I'm glad to hear that. Your mission will be dangerous. It has a very low survival probability. SHEPARD It is an acceptable loss sir. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. THE MANSION - DRIVEWAY Jack lays still. He opens his eyes to see the moon. Or does he? FADE TO: INT. A LABORATORY Jack lies on an operating table. He is strapped down. He is looking at a large medical lamp. Jack comes back to his senses and realizes where he is. His head has been bandaged. He tries to get up but cannot. Jack turns his head to the left and right. Two people are also strapped down on either side of him. They are Max Logan and a soldier. Logan remains very calm. The soldier is unconscious. JACK What the hell is going on? LOGAN Well, I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that zombies are taking over the world and it all started right here. Who are you? JACK I'm Jack Davis. I was hunting with a buddy. How did you get here? LOGAN I was a writer. I was coming out here to relax when I wrecked my car. I ended up here sooner or later. It's just a matter of time till they get you. JACK Who are "they"? LOGAN You know, them. The zombies. And all the other creatures running around. JACK Ah, ok. And what's that guy's story? Jack nods his head toward the unconscious soldier. LOGAN Oh, him. He was with me. We came here to find out who was responsible for this mess. JACK I came here to find out the exact same thing. I would have too but some "thing" tossed me out the second story window. LOGAN Yeah. I saw them dragging you in. It was strange though. The zombies didn't eat you. Instead, they bandaged your head. FADE OUT: FADE IN: . THE MANSION Corporal Shepard carries a case toward the mansion. He kicks out a basement window and opens the case. Inside is a large thermonuclear device. He arms it, closes the case and tosses it into the darkness. Shepard then quickly turns and begins to walk away. Unfortunately, something had other plans. A large beast looking much like a Frankenstein's Monster stands at the gates to the Mansion. Shepard is trapped. He pulls his sidearm and prepares for battle. CUT TO: EXT. THE NIGHT SKY We are watching the stars again. We hear an inhuman groan. It is followed by gunshots and Shepard's screams. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - ATTIC As the three men wait for their fate, a large creature enters the room. It is the beast that attacked Jack and knocked him out the window. It unties the unconscious soldier, picks him up and takes him out of the room. Once that beast is out of sight, another comes in carrying a different soldier. This one is drenched in blood. It is Corporal Shepard. FADE OUT: FADE IN: INT. THE MANSION - OFFICE A SCIENTIST sits behind a desk typing at a computer. Stubble covers his face. He looks as though he hasn't slept in days. Suddenly, his door slowly creaks open. Standing in the doorway is a zombie. The scientist glances up for a moment and then returns back to typing. He is unaffected by the sight of a zombie. CAMERA P.O.V. We see what he is typing. The screen is filled with equations and scientific formulas. At the top of the screen it reads: "Resurrection Formula". As the scientist finishes typing, the zombie walks into the room and approaches the desk. ZOMBIE .......Ready.... SCIENTIST Oh good, the subjects are ready. I will be up in a moment. The zombie then turns and leaves. The scientist saves his work and gets up from his chair. He then exits the office. CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - ATTIC Jack struggles to reach his right pocket. He can barely reach because his arms and body are immobilized. LOGAN What are you doing? JACK I just remembered, I still have my pocket knife. If I can get to it, we can get out of here. SHEPARD ....It's no use. We're all dead........ LOGAN What are you talking about? JACK He's probably gone delirious. He's losing a lot of blood. Jack then motions toward a large pool of blood beneath Shepard's table. SHEPARD ...There is a bomb.......In the basement.... JACK Bomb?! What kind of bomb?! SHEPARD ...Nuclear... LOGAN Well that's just great. How long do we have? SHEPARD ....About....30 minutes... It is evident more clearly than ever by Shepard's voice that he is changing. He is slowly dying and becoming one of the zombies. JACK Great! Just great! Even if we do get out of here, we probably won't get away from the explosion in time! SHEPARD .....There is still....a slight chance....You......have two options... LOGAN And what are those? SHEPARD ....F....First, you can....Shut off the bomb...And second.....the car outside.... JACK You think we could drive out of here fast enough? SHEPARD is probable...... LOGAN How do we shut off the bomb? SHEPARD ....Code...1..2..2..8..8..1... LOGAN 1,2,2,8,8,1. That's it? SHEPARD Ye......yes........ahhh.......... Shepard then dies. He becomes extremely pale and lifeless. He does not move. JACK I got it! LOGAN What? JACK The knife! CUT TO: INT. THE MANSION - ATTIC HALLWAY The scientist walks into the room and looks at the now empty tables. All that remains is a dead Corporal Shepard. SCIENTIST Shit. CUT TO: EXT. THE MANSION Jack and Logan stand at the parking lot. They must now choose between the car to their left and the cellar door to their right. JACK C'mon man, lets just get the bomb. LOGAN But, if we let it blow, the zombies will be destroyed. JACK Yeah, with a good portion of Idaho! Let's go get the bomb. Don't be stupid! LOGAN ...Alright. CUT TO: INT. THE CELLAR It is dark and musty. Cobwebs hang all over the ceiling. The ground is made of earth and nothing else. There is a low beeping sound. Jack and Logan enter the cellar. They move slowly through the darkness searching for the source of the beeping noise. When the reach the other end of the cellar, they spot the device. Logan bends down and opens a console on it. The room is then partially lit by the glow it gives off. The numberpad has it's own lightsource. As Logan punches in the keycode for the nuke, two skeletons begin rising from the ground behind them. Jack and Logan are completely oblivious to the fact. As Logan shuts down the nuke, the skeletons attack. However, they don't last long. Jack and Logan rip them apart scattering their bones across the floor. CUT TO: EXT. THE MANSION Logan exits the cellar followed by Jack. He carries the nuke case with him. Logan turns around to see this. LOGAN What are you doing? JACK Hey man, if worse comes to worse, you never know when this will come in handy. LOGAN Alright. But be careful with it. The last thing I need is to be atomized. The two warriors then climb into the luxury car and take off down the road. FADE OUT: TO BE CONTINUED...