The Origins of Wollongong Council's 2a(i) special residential zoning

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With the imminent review of the citywide LEP 1990/City Futures Strategy and the extension of sewerage in the far northern suburbs of Wollongong we will see renewed pressures to review the zoning/restrictions on the land north of Headlands Austinmer through to Stanwell Park, much of which is zoned Residential 2(ai) and where dual occupancy and townhouse development are prohibited. Undoubtedly some will argue that once again the silvertails of the north have adopted a nimby-like attitude.

It is noteworthy that there has been a view that the 2(ai) zoning was essentially created and written around sewer availability or absence. This has the potential to create an expectation that with the introduction of the sewer to the far northern suburbs that the need for this special zoning has been obviated. However it should be noted that sewerage was only ever just one of a number of criteria in creating this zoning. Obviously given that this occurred quite some years back and with new residents and new council planning staff & new councillors there may be many who are unaware of the history of the creation of the 2(ai) Special Zoning.

It is therefore timely to be reminded of the reasons given for the creation of this 2(ai) zone when Council voted on it in Draft Local Environmental Plan 94/24 back in 1995 & 1997.

In 1997 it was stated in Rec 5 of Planning Committee - 3/2/1997 page 34ff

"Draft Local Environmental Plan 94/24 is aimed at limiting development in the northern suburbs of Wollongong to take into account the special environmental qualities of the area, the existence of environmental hazards, limited supply of infrastructure and the lack of adequate utility services."

In 1995 it was stated in Recommendation 1 of Planning Committee 13 June 1995 page 1ff

"The Department of Urban Affairs and Planning have advised that their preferred approach to the Draft LEP (ie 94/2) would be to rezone the subject land to a zone which would provide stronger zone objectives and allow for more stringent assessment of the environmental impacts of development applications.

As highlighted in the previous report to Council the narrow coastal strip from Austinmer to Stanwell Park has long been recognised as an environmentally sensitive area for a number of reasons including geological instability, high rainfall propensity and the prevalence of numerous creeks which carry large volumes of water.

While the subject land possesses similar qualities similar to other 7(c) areas, in addition it is encumbered by the lack of reticulated sewerage (over 60% of the land) the limited provision of infrastructure such as public transport, shopping centres, health/community centres and post offices, the high proportion of land considered unstable (78% between Headlands Austinmer and Scarborough), the prevalence of numerous creeks, history of landslip and the lack of capacity to upgrade roads and drainage systems to adequately meet significantly increased densities. Accordingly, it is recommended that the land between Headlands Avenue Austinmer and the Helensburgh Study Area which is currently zoned 2(a) be rezoned to a new zone 2(ai)

(Special Environmental Protection Residential) as shown in Attachment 4."

In the current edition of LEP 1990, this zoning 2(ai) is known as Special Low Density Residential Zone and objectives (a) &

(b) for the zone state

"(a) to cater for residential development in selected areas affected by environmental hazards, a limited supply of infrastructure or a lack of utility services; and

(b) to allow some diversity of activities that will not prejudice the objective referred to in paragraph (a) from being achieved or detrimentally affect the environmental quality or character of the locality or the amenity of the locality."

It should also be noted that this 2(ai) zone was proposed to be extended into the Woonona Hts area in 1996, Planning Committee Rec 16 of 29 April 1996, p131 ff, as a result of "the instability and access problems with the Woonona Hts area".

In the current LEP 1990 2(ai) zoned land can also be found in the Cordeaux Hts area (Map N7)

I trust that this information may be of assistance to residents & council staff alike as they embark upon participating in the review of the LEP 1990 which will look into issues such as desired future character, density aspects such as floor space ratios & height levels, permissibility of medium density townhouses and dual occupancy developments in areas where they are prohibited currently.


Cr Kerrie Christian

Ward 1 Councillor

Wollongong City Council


Authorised Kerrie Christian

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