Cr Dave Martin, leader of the Active Community Team has introduced Cynzia Dei-cont as the ACT Team's candidate for the Wollongong City Council By-election on March 24 2001.

Cynzia, a member of Wollongong's Italian community, is a Business Communications Teacher who lives in Mangerton, and grew up in Fairy Meadow & Tarrawanna. She has also worked as a journalist with the ABC's Radio National in the past.

In 2000 Cynzia was key member of the community group who campaigned to ensure that MacCabe Park did not suffer medium density residential development along Keira St.

Cynzia is passionately committed to involving the city's residents in determining the city's future - having organised a number of workshops in the last 18 months to promote debate about visions for the city's future - these were attended by hundreds of people from across the city.

Want to find out more details on Cynzia's background & experience?

There are 8 candidates in total in the Ward 3 By Election to be held on Saturday March 24, 2001.

Incidentally, the Active Community Team would appreciate any offers of help with letterboxing or working on a polling booth - not to mention fundraising for the campaign. If you can help please let us know, phone Dave Martin on 42672398.

WHO WE ARE .....

The Active Community Team (ACT) is a community group made up of ordinary people : families, retired people, young couples, conservationists and business people.

Formed in 1983 our councillors work for a community focused council where people's needs come first.

They do not belong to any political party but work for a council free from domination by big developers, big business and party politics.

ACT Team Councillors on Wollongong City Council for 1999-2004 include

Ward 1 - Cr Dave Martin & Cr Kerrie Christian

Ward 4 - Cr Trevor Mott


Genuine community participation and precinct based planning

Environment protection - escarpment and foreshore

First class community facilities, parks, playgrounds and shopping centres

In 1999, as ACT's Lord Mayoral candidate, Dave Martin pledged to get Wollongong moving again - to make it a thriving region with job opportunities, a beautiful environment and a great lifestyle.

Along with the rest of the ACT Team at the 1999 elections, Dave Martin committed to ...

Safe Communities

Jobs in our City

Environment Protection

Sensible town planning policies

Click here for more information on Active Community Team Media Statements & Policies

Interested in the 1999 Council Election Results?

Click here for more information on Wollongong Council & What's On at Wollongong City Council

Click here for info on Governments in Australia

Check out the latest stories from the Illawarra Mercury & Wollongong Advertiser

Got an issue to raise ? Send an email to Alice Cartan at the Active Community Team.

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