GHG - Climate Change - Where to from Here

  • Obama Opens New Chapter on Climate Change

  • New Scientist Topics : Climate Change, Energy & Fuels & Instant Expert
  • Top 200 CO2 polluting Power Plants around the world

  • The latest from Al Gore & talking about An Inconvenient Truth on Charlie Rose

  • Walk Against Warming

  • GHG & CO2 issues - CCS - Carbon Capture Sequestration (Storage)

  • EPA & Climate

  • Hot Rocks

  • Hepburn Windfarm Projects

  • OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
  • Sunpower converts CO2 into fuel

    Posts I Like

  • George Monbiot on "Runaway Climate Change"
  • Climate Change - Australian Government Site
  • Media Man Climate Change
  • Australian Religious Response to Climate Change - not withstanding some climate skeptics amongst some Sydney Anglicans - good to see this happening
  • Australian Climate Forum
  • Coral Reef Growth Slows from 1990 - Tipping Point - Global Warming and Ocean Acidification
  • Water Vapour adds to Climate Change Woes - including the Arctic melting - More
  • Glaciers in China & Tibet are melting too - and the Permafrost in Northern Sweden - Tundra worries etc
  • And what are the implications of the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet ?

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