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Click here for more info on ACT Team's Trevor Mott for Lord Mayor 2002 Campaign

Faced with the shock resignation of the 1999 ALP anointed/sometime independent Lord Mayor George Harrison, and with Cr Dave Martin having just left for a well earned extended African vacation with fellow ACT Team veteran and wife Anne, ACT's Cr Trevor Mott offered to represent the ACT Team at the September 14 2002 Wollongong City Council Lord Mayoral By Election.

Trevor has perhaps been the quiet networker & latest of the ACT Team trio on Wollongong City Council. But he is no novice around political and community circles - he has worked with both Dave Martin and Kerrie Christian since the earliest days of Dave Martin's election to Wollongong City Council as long ago as 1983. Back in 1984 Trevor and Kerrie both became members of the Northern Advisory Group, a coalition of northern community groups established by Dave Martin, which used to meet in the Thirroul Leagues Club.

So who is Councillor Trevor Mott and what has he done many are asking .........a few answers.

Trevor Mott was elected on an Active Community Team platform as a Councillor for Ward 4 in l999 and now has served for three years as a councillor on one of Australia's largest councils.

Trevor currently holds the following positions within the Wollongong City Council

Trevor has worked tirelessly for the community for many years in a range of areas :

Trevor has also served in many organisations over the years including :
Trevor grew up in Stanwell Park before moving to Sandon Point Bulli to raise his family as a single parent. Currently he lives in the Keiraville area - but retains strong links with family and friends in the Bulli and Stanwell Park areas.

Although Trevor describes himself having learnt in the school of hard knocks - he is committed to lifelong learning for all - especially in our rapidly changing society which has seen so many of our local jobs swallowed up by economic restructuring.

Trevor attended both Stanwell Park Primary School before attending Corrimal High School - then Wollongong's most northern high school. He worked on the waterfront at both Port Kembla and Sydney - where he became a committed trade unionist and found a heightened awareness of social justice and a fair go for all.

On leaving the waterfront Trevor became an Area Manager for Cottees General Foods Soft Drink Division. Subsequently he moved into the mines where he was a coalminer/deputy for 30 years at Coalcliff, Old Bulli & Tower Collieries. Trevor obtained a 3rd Class Certificate of Competency NSW Mines Dept, as well undertaking management studies including TAFE Management Certificate TAFE and an Supervision Certificate with the Australian Institute of Management.

Realising the need to constantly update himself Trevor also undertook other studies such as computer literacy. Since being elected he has also attended a number of Local Government Association councillor development courses to improve his effectiveness and learn from other councils. And to get a break away from his council duties? Well, Trevor is currently undertaking a 3 year course in Italian at Wollongong TAFE.

Dave Martin has recently written to ACT Team members from Dakar ..... "You can, as I say, release a statement on my behalf to formally endorse the A.C.T. campaign. Trev, I wish you all the very best in the coming weeks and to all A.C.T. members."

Click here for more info on ACT Team's Trevor Mott for Lord Mayor 2002 Campaign

To find more about what Cr Trevor Mott & his fellow ACT Team Councillors stand for - have a look at our Policy & Media statement website

Authorised Cr Kerrie Christian - August 13 2002

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