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Re James Hill's latest swipe at the ACT Team and Green Values.

The ACT Team has always supported participatory democracy on Wollongong Council. From Day 1 on election in 1983, Dave Martin pursued precinct or neighbourhood committees. On Dave's retirement (temporary!!) and my election in 1991 I continued this fight. We fought to keep the Community Pollution Committees in Port Kembla, Corrimal and Coalcliff.

In terms of environmental issues ACT councillors have championed, either individually or collectively, are the following :

We have maintained this approach from 1983 to 2002, and will continue to do so. More info can be found on my website

We supported a more vibrant concept of Innovation City - as Eco City , Sustainability City, Learning City , Creative City - beyond its shallow Re-Imaging approach focused on tourism predominantly to a whole of City - Regional Economy approach.

We will work with all like-minded individuals, groups, teams and parties to pursue these objectives.

Together we can all make a difference - after all - we all belong to Wollongong.

Cr Kerrie Christian

Wollongong Council

August 6, 2002.

Return to Kerrie's Main ACT Web Page

Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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