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Councillor Kerrie Christian, Active Community Team Lord Mayoral and Ward One candidate, reported that she is delighted with the hundreds of responses received so far to the ACT Team's community survey and consultation meetings. The survey, which sought resident opinion on 26 different Council services, was distributed to over 10,000 household by the ACT Team and was funded solely by the ACT Team without cost to ratepayer funds. "We have also written to over 250 community groups throughout the city and invited them to participate in the survey as well," explained Cr Christian.

"The hundreds of responses we received enabled us to finetune our policies for the 1995 election, which we released a week ago," stated Cr Christian, it's clear that people are interested in their area and want a say in its future."

High rates in the north remains a contentious issue, which comes as no surprise to Cr Christian, who had pushed for a reduction in rates for northern suburbs residents rather than the 2.2% increase voted in by the ALP.

"Many people do not consider that they are getting good value for the high rates that they pay," stated Cr Christian, "residents from Coledale to Helensburgh feel hard done by when it comes to basic services such as roads, kerb and guttering, as well as storm water drainage."

Residents' dissatisfaction with Wollongong Council's financial management came as no surprise to Cr Christian and her No.2 running mate at the September 9 council elections, former Alderman Dave Martin.

"It's a bit like the story of the Emperor's new clothes," stated Mr Martin, "in at Council everyone is running around saying what a wonderful job they're doing on financial management of the city, but out in the suburbs the residents remain cynical and unconvinced."

People from Woonona and Bulli were happy with the Bulli Library, and didn't want to see it closed, a point noted by Ross Dearden, Bulli resident and the Active Community Team's No.3 candidate at the September 9 election. Mr Dearden has strongly opposed the closure of Bulli Library.

"I am concerned that Council has proposed to close the Bulli Library in the future according to the Corporate Plan," stated Mr Dearden, "even though residents have been told that nothing is set in concrete at this stage."

Poor dog control, was a point which came out in every suburb in Ward One, but particularly in Woonona. Both Cr Christian and Mr Dearden, considered that whilst they didn't want a police state when it came to dogs and their owners, it was nevertheless clear that there was room for improvement.

On a positive note, Cr Christian said that the majority of responses rated the recycling and garbage collections as good to excellent. But on the issue of garbage tips there was dissatisfaction from residents between Austinmer and Woonona. "This probably due to lack of a close alternative following the closure of Russell Vale tip," stated Cr Christian, "and with claims of illegal dumping, perhaps we need to re-examine the possibility of a waste transfer station."

Authorised Cr Kerrie Christian ph 671488

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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