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During this week, nearly 11,000 homes in the northern suburbs will receive a "Council Services Survey" as part of the Active Community Team's community consultation program. The survey will give the north's 20,000 residents a chance to express their views on which Council services need improving and which ones they're happy with.

ACT Ward 1 and Lord Mayoral candidate, Kerrie Christian launched the survey on the weekend, saying, "This is an important way for the people with whom we haven't been able to meet directly, to tell us of their community's needs. Staying in touch with what people need and expect from their Council is vital if we are to stay accountable. From residents' responses we will be able to plan programs much more effectively.

"The ACT Team theme this year is 'Listening and Leading', so the survey fits our plans well," explained Cr Christian.

The survey, which is designed to be returned post-free, asks residents to rate Wollongong Council's performance in 25 areas from beach care to dog control, from financial management to escarpment protection. "There is also space for people to add other comments about Council's services or to pass on any other concerns that they may have," stated Cr Christian.

"Although the survey is designed to be anonymous, people will be able to indicate their suburb, so that we will have reliable, direct information from residents themselves about what's important to them, and what facilities are needed in their suburb or community," explained Cr Christian.

Cr Christian believes that the "Focus on the Future" community consultation process, of workshops and surveys, which was initiated during mid 1991, should be conducted during the first year of each new term of council. "A lot can happen in four years, and Council can't afford to sit back complacently thinking that nothing has changed,"commented Cr Christian.

"If I am elected as Lord Mayor of Wollongong, I would like to see a strong emphasis on community consultation," stated Cr Christian.

"In the meantime, our Active Community Team survey is just one practical example of the way that we try to keep our policies and plans for Council for the next four years focused directly on community needs," stated Cr Christian.

Authorised Dave Martin Campaign Manager

Contact : Cr Kerrie Christian ph 671488

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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