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Letter from Wollongong City Council inviting response from CANS


Summary of precinct responses (based on responses to the attached questionnaire)

Helensburgh (1 members/groups meeting; 1 public meeting)

(1) Residential densities to be kept low - perhaps existing block sizes too small.

(2) Extreme importance of Hacking River (Class "P" under Clean Waters Act) means that Helensburgh Development must be curtailed and existing problems addressed.

(3) No expansion of development outside existing urban boundaries.

(4) Current open space adequate though not maintained by Council.

(5) 7(h) "Hacking River" zone must be retained to protect this sensitive resource. Current 7(h) boundary does not protect sensitive land east of Walker St. (Carrington Estates, Helensburgh Heights, Knowsley Park).

(6) Escarpment rim is not sufficiently well protected and must become part of SRA as soon as possible.

(7) Heritage Values: Court House (Parks St.); Post Office (Parks St.); Old Railway Tunnel; Station Master's house; Big Dam and Small Dam (Cawley's Rd.); Aboriginal Sites; Railway Station; Natural Spring; Helensburgh mine.

Otford (1 members/groups meeting; 1 public meeting)

(1) No further development outside "Otford Village".

(2) No further subdivisions within Otford Village. (3) Council priorities should be (i) establish minimum lot size; (ii)

sewerage; (iii) water supply; (iv) upgrade existing roads; (v) police tree-preservation.

(4) Only area suitable for open-space/recreation is inaccessible (no bridge) and is too isolated. Only area for children to use is school grounds.

(5) The escarpment area to the east of Otford ("Bulgo") should be incorporated into the SRA or Royal National Park as soon as possible.

(6) Heritage Values: Otford School and Residence; Tunnels; Rainforest; Hacking River; Bulgo Huts in the Royal National Park.

Stanwell Tops (1 members/groups meeting; 1 public meeting)

(1) Current residents moved here specifically because of its isolation and natural environment. Subdivision and inappropriate residential development will compromise this environment. Runoff must go either to Hacking River catchment or over escarpment to Stanwell Park.

(2) Current 2(a) "Residential" zoning should be 7(g) "Environmental Protection: Living Area" to constrain future development.

(3) Current open space/recreation is adequate though not maintained by Council.

(4) The escarpment land surrounding the village (zoned 7(e) and 7(h)) are considered to be under constant threat by development which is "allowable with consent". Residents do not believe that Council has the capacity or the desire to prevent inappropriate developments in these zones.

(5) All land surrounding the current Stanwell Tops residential boundaries should be included in the Illawarra Escarpment SRA.

(6) Heritage Values: Kelly's Falls Reserve; Princess Marina Walk; Hanging Swamp vegetation; Mineral Pool and Building; Bald Hill lookout; Pristine valley with rainforest upstream of Stanwell Park viaduct.

Coalcliff (1 public meeting)

(1) Future development must be restrained to maintain the village-type atmosphere.

(2) Townhouse-type development should not be permitted within the areas currently zoned 2(a) and 2(b).

(3) The coastal (east of L-H Drive) areas zoned 2(a) (or "deferred"?) should be zoned 7(g) "Living Area".

(4) When mine land is released, it should be zoned 7(e) and disturbed areas regenerated to native escarpment vegetation or open space/recreation where appropriate.

(5) Walking trails along the escarpment should be established. Bush and beach-based recreation are the only suitable tourist developments in the area. The beaches are already overwhelmed by day visitors in Summer.

(6) Escarpment protection is not considered to be secure until Council makes a firm commitment to the future of land released by mining companies: should become 7(e).

(7) There should be no commercial activity on the escarpment top/rim. Walking trails are the only suitable activity.

(8) Heritage Values: Bullock Track.

Clifton/Wombarra (1 members/groups meeting; 1 public meeting)

(1) Only commercial developments which should be permitted are small-scale tourist businesses within existing buildings (i.e restaurants, gift shops).

(2) There should be no further subdivision of land zoned 7(e) with the exception of land owned by mining companies. When this land becomes available, vegetated portions should be retained as 7(e); cleared areas should become open space/passive recreation with a small amount of residential development (7(g) "Living Area") at the eastern edge of badly scarred areas.

(3) Rainforest area north of South Clifton Colliery should be protected and access permitted (for passive recreation) from both north and south.

(4) Current boundary of escarpment protection zone is considered appropriate but some doubt expressed about Council's ability or desire to protect it from further development.

(5) There must be no commercial or other development on the escarpment top/rim.

(6) Heritage Values: Rainforest north of South Clifton Colliery; Mansion on Morrison Ave., Wombarra (The grounds of this late 1800's house have already been subdivided - inappropriate).

Thirroul (1 members/groups meeting; 1 public meeting)

(1) The constraints to future development in the area will be geographical (proximity to escarpment and coast) and the desired style of development (predominantly low-density residential). Day-tourism to beaches in Summer is considered to be at saturation already. Some contribution to maintenance of beaches/parking etc. should be made by other councils (e.g. Campbelltown & Liverpool). Perhaps a parking charge near beaches, except for residents.

(2) "Intensive" residential development must be confined to areas already so zoned (2(a), 2(b)). Council must exercise tougher controls on the style of residential development near the coast - especially with respect to height. Two-storey, town-house development with sufficient setbacks and complete off-road parking is the limit which should be tolerated.

(3) Some future development may be possible at the eastern edge of the Excelsior land, adjacent to the railway reserve. This could be light industrial.

(4) The 7(g) "Living Area" zoning (off Fords Road) is considered inappropriate given the unstable nature of the land and the impact which clearing will have on residences along watercourses downstream, once clearing starts. Moreover, residents have no confidence that Council can, or will attempt to, police development controls during development.

(5) There should be no further incursions into the land currently zoned

7(e). Council must attempt to control access to 7(e) land by trail bikes, which cause severe environmental degradation.

(6) Land zoned 2(e) at the southern end of Thirroul adjacent to the beach (6(a)) zone is of concern to residents. Proposed residential development here should be zoned 2(a) or (b). Preferably, it could be incorporated in the 6(a) area. This portion was once wetland (and should therefore have been zoned 7(a)) and has the potential to be reconstructed as an attractive wetland with the reintroduction of native vegetation and wildlife (this has been successfully done in Newcastle).

(7) Concern expressed about the future of the AIR brickworks site. This should not be entirely developed because of its potential as green area, especially viewed by tourists from the escarpment lookouts (their first look at Wollongong). In fact, much could be done now by Council to green this area.

(8) There is not considered to be sufficient flat open space/recreation to the west of L/H Drive. It is possible that a portion of the unstable, filled Excelsior land at the northern end of Philip Street could be converted to playing fields, mini golf course, etc.

(9) Walking trails up to and within the escarpment areas should be extended and maintained by Council. The cycle path should be extended to Thirroul beach, as soon as possible, to provide an alternative route to the Princes Highway for school children riding to school.

(10) There should be no major development on the escarpment top/rim. Existing developments must be prevented from becoming any more obtrusive when viewed from the coast.

(11) Some concern was expressed about the need for an additional roadway to connect Thirroul (north of the railway bridge) to the Princes Highway south of the bottom of the Bulli Pass.

(12) Heritage Values: Wyewurk; small-leaved fig tree on L/H Drive near railway bridge; RSL monument; Old RSL building; old jetty at "Bulli Harbour". It was suggested that Council should install plaques on heritage items and areas and produce a booklet of these.

Bulli (1 members/groups meeting)

(1) Concern was expressed that current residential zonings were not being adhered to (e.g. medium density permitted in 2(a) areas).

(2) The area zoned 4(c) O'Briens Road & Summerville St. could be appropriate for well-controlled residential development and/or caravan park - camping ground. Other tourist development may be appropriate provided it is adequately controlled.

(3) The historic nature of Bulli Township must be maintained and enhanced, because this is the first commercial area visitors see after descending the Bulli Pass.

(4) Foreshore areas must be retained as open space and kept free of building developments. Future flats/units type developments must be controlled to be 2-storeys near coast and 3 otherwise, with adequate setbacks and all parking off-road.

(5) This area has great potential for attracting tourism with appropriate marketing and developments (e.g. Grevillea Park, Bulli Spinners, beaches as alternatives to Austinmer/Thirroul, caravan park/camping ground, bushwalking in escarpment, Bulli Township).

5) The area zoned 2(a) along Wilcath St., between Bulli Spinners and the High School could be zoned for higher density residential development.

(6) The Bulli-Wonoona area has the potential for small businesses (clothing boutiques, delicatessens, small supermarket, mixed businesses etc.). However, the success of proposals such as these will depend upon sufficient off-highway parking (between the highway and the Bulli railway station) and an improvement to the visual amenity (tree-planting and landscaping).

7) Escarpment protection (7(e) zoning) is not seen to be secure partially because of council's inability to control access by trailbikes and 4-WD vehicles. The old pit site at Bulli Tile & Bricks may be suitable for bike or BMX riding track, if noise could be controlled.

(8) Walking trails should be established in the escarpment areas, with suitable access. A trail up Rixon's Pass would be a good tourist walk.

(9) There is an urgent need to develop children's play areas on the western side of the highway (e.g. Organs Road/Gwyther Ave., Highlands Pde.).

(10) Heritage Values: Bulli Township; old Rixon's Pass.


National Trust Escarpment Classification


Water Supply to "off Fords Road" Thirroul


Resolutions passed at CANS Public Meeting on slip, flooding and erosion.

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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