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1. An end to the big spending spree which has seen over $100 million of ratepayers funds committed to the Wollongong Business District and a fair return of resources to the suburbs.

2. An independent government enquiry into the financial management of Wollongong City Council, and into its long term debt situation.

3. A 3 year plan to eliminate the 1989 $5.2 million deficit by progressive sale of surplus land and buildings, increased productivity and strong financial control and budgeting. Foreshore & escarpment land together with parks are not for sale. No extra charges on ratepayers for pools, tips, libraries, or playing fields.

4. A return to full Council services on road construction and maintenance, alleviation of flooding by drainage works, footpath construction and community facilities.

5. A 3 year Council-Employee accord, arising out of a summit conference with increases in productivity to be traded for a halt to the projected job losses in Council's workforce so that Council's policy of creating employment in Wollongong is not wiped out by cuts to its own workforce.

6. A change to the rating system so that total property values are used to assess rates rather than just the land value component. Re-introduction of a pensioner rebate to provide relief for those worst affected by the new laws. Introduction of a buffer based on percentage limit, to shield pensioners from skyrocketing valuations.

7. Replacement of senior treasury and administration officials responsible for current poor accounting and advice. Introduction of a Code of Ethics for all senior officials controlling the public purse. Conflict of interests to be eliminated by making private financial practice, speculative land purchases and development prohibited for senior officials.

8. A return to the Ward System so that each locality has its own representatives on Council to represent the needs of local residents as well as the needs of the city.

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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