ACT Team Submission to the Helensburgh Plan 1990 - Part 2

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(1). Allow only environmentally acceptable urban consolidation within the existing urban zones so that environmental degradation is limited.

(2). Minimise clearance of bushland.

(3). Maintenance of Environmental Protection Zone 7(h)- Hacking.

(4). Make all discharges to the Hacking comply with the Protected Waters standard, including stormwater discharges

(5). Add all natural lands in the Hacking River catchment to the Royal¨ National Park, linking by wildlife corridors, the Illawarra escarpment¨ parklands to national park.

(6). Extend the Illawarra Escarpment State Recreation Area from the Hacking River Catchment to connect with existing parklands - so as to permanently protect the bushland between Sydney & Wollongong.


1. E Bryant "Critique of the Helensburgh Water Quality Management Study, Rainfall Intensities and Recurrence Intervals" - Wollongong University Uniadvice 1990

2. CANS "Planning and Development in the Northern Suburbs - A¨ Community View" - A Submission by CANS to WCC in response to the Draft¨ Revision of LEP No.38, January 1989

3. H.C. Coombs "The Return of Scarcity - Strategies for an Economic Future." Cambridge Press 1990

4. David F Gordon "The Illawarra Escarpment Park ... a Proposal for Extensions to the Illawarra state Recreation Area" - Illawarra Environment Centre - June 1985¨

5. HDPS - Public Advocacy for Catchment Protection - the Role of the Helensburgh District Protection Society - 1989

6. NPWS "Australia's 100 years of National Parks", with foreword by Paul Landa

7. N Robinson "The Need for Joining Illawarra Wilderness Areas" Aust. Zool. 19(2) 1977 p125-132

8. Short, Nichols & Flentje "Critique of Urban Stormwater Runoff Control Measures Proposed in the Draft Helensburgh Plan 1990" - August 1990.

9. SPCC - Notice of Seminar - Report on the Hacking River River - 15 March 1989

10. SPCC "Hacking River - Total Catchment Management" - February 1989

11. SPCC "Investigation into the Impact of Urban Development at Helensburgh on Water Quality of the Hacking River" - March 1986.

12. SPCC "Pollution Control Manual for Urban Stormwater" August 1989

13. Water Research Centre "Comment on SPCC Report on 'Investigation into Water Quality of the Hacking River' " - April 1986

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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