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KerrieAnne's Fridge Door
July 5, 2009
Travelling in Japan
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Travelling


I've travelled to Japan a few times a long time ago - lots of good and some funny memories.

So I was delighted to discover some Bloggers & Tweeters from Japan :   BlogLinkJapan & Japan_Blogs which are being Twittered from bloglinkjapan  & Japan_Blogs really fun and interesting.

A few more Tweeters I like to follow : Shibuya246, Tokyo2016Today, Green Net Guy Tokyo and KimonoBox

 Here are RSS feeds - Tweeters from Japan ... - also from Gundam Manga Anime Harajuku Cosplay

Posted by id/KerrieChristian at 4:56 PM NZT
Updated: July 6, 2009 1:18 AM NZT
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