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Wollongong City Councillor Kerrie Christian today confirmed that she was pleased with the strong support shown by her fellow councillors for her call for planning summits to be held in Wollongong to discuss planning, development and environmental matters in Wollongong.

Wollongong Council resolved to hold a citywide planning summit at its April meeting held last week, and then individual sessions within each of the six wards.

"I believe that it is important that council talk to all the stakeholders and encourage them to talk to each other," stated Cr Christian, "I have been alarmed by the events of the last 6 months in particular."

Cr Christian said that she supported calls by the Illawarra Business Chamber for dialogue, although it was necessary to look at the problem wholistically and not in a knee jerk way.

"Environmental debate has been part of our history in Wollongong for nearly 100 years," explained Cr Christian, "there has been community action in the northern suburbs since at least about 1914."

Cr Christian explained that one of the earliest campaigns centred on what is now the main beachfront area at Austinmer Beach - including the car park area. The beachfront area had been set for residential development, but following public protest action and debate nearly 90 years ago the land was preserved, enshrining public access.

"There was a cost," stated Cr Christian, "and residents agreed to pay a levy to bring the land into public ownership."

Cr Christian believes that this is a classic example of proposed development of sensitive land, which with an alternative vision, has enabled many more people to enjoy and appreciate the beachfront area - rather than a wall of housing.

Cr Christian believed that the area has opportunities to get the balance of development and protection of the environment right, especially with the studies of the area under way relating to the Escarpment, flooding and the Sandon Point Interagency work.

"It is a critical time in our city and I believe that we have all got to start talking to each other to try and find some common ground and vision," stated Cr Christian, "because at the end of the day, people do have to live somewhere but that doesn't mean that the environment has to be prejudiced."

Authorised Cr Kerrie Christian - ph 0408 115 099

April 27 2001

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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