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The Editor

Dear Editor, As a councillor on Wollongong City Council who is committed to recycling, like most, if not all councillors, I have been delighted with residents' commitment to recycling

Undoubtedly the residents of the Wollongong area must be amongst the highest recyclers in the country, with about 94% of our area's households participating in the fortnightly recycling collections.

I am delighted with this result, especially when I recall attending an environmental seminar in Sydney about 5 years ago, where the question was asked about Wollongong : "How do you get blue collar people and people from ethnic backgrounds to recycle?" At the time I thought the question was pretty insulting to residents of Wollongong.....but of course the answer was in fact the same as that for any area, regardless of ethnic background and economic status


Inevitably as a councillor I am also constantly asked about what happens to the recycled material, because many people are cynical that it still gets dumped. When I asked council officers what happens to the material collected for recycling I was given the following reply :

Aluminium Cans Comalco Sydney (new cans)

Steel Cans BHP Port Kembla (new steel)

Plastic Milk Bottles Brickwood Holdings Melbourne (plastic crates, garbage bins, pipes. The dividers in the recycling bins are recycled milk bottles)

Milk & Juice Cartons Nowra (photocopy paper)

Glass Bottles & Jars ACI Sydney (new bottles & jars)

PET (soft drink bottles) ACI Sydney (new non food containers) Paper & Cardboard APM Sydney (primarily packing board)

I believe that it's great to know that the material we put in our recycling bins is being put to good use, and that it is not all ending up at Whytes Gully Tip. The residents of the Wollongong area must be congratulated for not just talking about the importance of the environment, but putting it into practice.

Councillor Kerrie Christian


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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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