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Councillor Kerrie Christian, councillor for Ward 1, has today called for rejection of proposals to exhibit rezoning of the Thirroul Bowling Club Site in its current form. The proposed redevelopment would allow 4 storey development & increase allowed densities to 40% above the norm for 2(b) medium density, which Cr Christian considers totally unacceptable. Cr Christian explained that council is not obliged to process and exhibit proposed rezonings, unlike development applications which by law must be assessed.

"I am appalled as it is just not consistent with our planning policies for the area," stated Cr Christian, "before we set about undertaking such a major departure from our planning policies we should be looking at the strategic impact of this proposal and the precedent it may set."

Cr Christian said that there had been criticisms in the recent past at the way Wollongong Council had carried out spot rezonings in a seemingly ad hoc manner. Such rezonings can then rebound on council, as other developers join the queue with a "me too" mentality, ie also expecting concessions which allow higher development densities. Further it potentially eroded council's position in the Land & Environment Court if it was willing to entertain such major deviations from council's established planning policies.

Cr Christian pointed out that, as Council intends to review the overall zonings for the city, ie revamping the Local Environment Plan 1990, that this was the proper manner for major changes to zoning, where they could be assessed in total context in a strategic manner. Cr Christian also pointed out that it is no longer necessary for rezoning processes to be completed before Council begins to process and exhibit development applications, following changes by the Carr State Government to cut red tape for developers.

"Obviously I have some sympathy with the plight of the Bowling Club, and I welcome moves to ensure the viability of the club," stated Cr Christian, "however this must not be to the detriment of the amenity of residents in the area, with a potential unleashing of higher allowed residential development densities."

In the arguments put before council to support the exhibition of the draft rezoning, it had been claimed that there was a scarcity of suitable land in the northern suburbs for medium density development. Cr Christian said that she found this surprising as most of the land east of the railway line in Thirroul was already zoned to allow medium density development, and much had not as yet been redeveloped.

"It would seem that some people in council have learnt nothing from recent planning furores in the northern suburbs," commented Cr Christian, "we have had people campaigning for a secession because they believe council is not listening to them - exhibiting this proposal in its current form would simply demonstrate to residents that there is some truth in their allegations."

At the February meeting of council, proceedings had to be halted for 45 minutes when residents took over the chamber because of their fury over development pressures in the north. (Council is considering a draft safety/security policy on Monday night arising out of the February meeting). Cr Christian noted that as some developers had increased their expectations, that this had caused unprecedented resident action group campaigns in the north. She explained that she was aware that some developers were also admitting to losing confidence in the planning processes in the northern suburbs, as a result of the community backlash.

"I believe that council staff should go back to the developer and ask for the proposal to be modified so it is more in keeping with council's planning policies for the area," insisted Cr Christian, "and I will be arguing that position at Council's meeting on Monday night."

Authorised Cr Kerrie Christian - ph 0408 115 099 - April 6 2001

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Authorised - Kerrie Christian

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