Wollongong City Council Review - Council Decisions

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Excerpts from the Special Meeting of Council on June 5 2002 are below - please note that I had submitted 27 pages which covered about 11 separate issues of complaints about council staff to the Review initiated by the Lord Mayor

- regrettably at the actual Review Committee meeting itself the Lord Mayor chose not to discuss any of the 11 issues that I had raised - however thanks to Cr Martin, Cr King and the GM it was ensured that the review items I had proposed did not fall through the cracks as it were and that they were reported to council - I am totally perplexed as to why the Lord Mayor would not want to address the items that I had submitted to the review committee - anyway please find the issues that I raised summarised in the council minutes below ....

Special Meeting of Council June 5 2002


The practice of this Council has been for a Performance Review Committee which is chaired by the Lord Mayor and consists of a number of Councillors appointed by the Council to undertake a formal annual review of the General Manager and a mid year informal review.

Following such reviews, the Lord Mayor informs the General Manager of the outcome of such review.

Similarly, the Directors are reviewed in the same manner although in the case of Directors the General Manager is a member of the Performance Review Committee and ultimately has responsibility for the reviews of Directors. However the Performance Review Committee is convened in order that Councillors can have an input into these reviews.

Other senior managers, i.e. Divisional Managers are reviewed by their respective Director both informally each half year and in a formal manner at the end of the financial year. The outcome of these reviews are documented and discussed collectively by the Executive Management Committee. As part of the General Manager's annual review he reports on the outcome of Divisional Manager performance appraisals as a means of informing Councillors who are members of the Performance Review Committee.

The Local Government and Shires Association, as part of its training and professional development role, provides training courses dealing with the performance management of senior staff. This course has been devised to assist Councillors who are involved in that process to be more effective in their review role. The program covers developing a performance agreement, monitoring performance and how to conduct the annual review.

221 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Martin seconded Councillor Christian that -

1 The performance review process as indicated above be noted.

2 Council initiate discussions with the Local Government & Shires Association to establish a course relating to performance management of senior staff to be provided to available Councillors at this Council.

3 The Performance Review Committee fully report its deliberations and recommendations to a Confidential Session of Council, following each review.

4 Council review and refine its policies in relation to the operation of the Performance Review Committee and a report be submitted to Council following such review.


Councillors have raised the question concerning the level of confidence in the General Manager, Directors and Managers and how this can be improved, raising questions of the appropriate levels of openness and a number of other matters.

The question of culture and climate in any organisation is often a subjective one. To better understand the culture and climate that exists, it may be appropriate for Council to seek the services of an experienced Organisational Development Consultant to conduct a survey and to interview a broad range of staff to enable Council to get a better understanding of the culture and climate. Councillors would also need to be part of this review should it be agreed to.

MOVED Councillor Martin seconded Councillor Christian that -

1 The General Manager be requested to seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations or individuals to undertake a review of the cultural and climate of the organisation.

2 A further report be prepared for the June 2002 Council meeting outlining the approach to be taken, the outcomes being sought and background of any firms or individuals to be involved, together with the cost of such review.

3 An indicative budget of $30,000 be allocated to the review.

4 The review conclude within three months from the Council meeting to be held on 24 June 2002.

5 In undertaking the review, issues involving the timeliness, appropriateness and adequacy of financial and property issues be addressed with a specific examination of those processes which transpired in the SAP program.

6 The review include the examination of the role of Senior Officers in determining major and/or significant development applications under delegated authority.

7 The review make recommendations on how improvements can be achieved in the reporting to Council of Outstanding Report items.

222 An AMENDMENT was MOVED by Councillor Hunt seconded Councillor King that the General Manager be requested to seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations or individuals to undertake a culture and climate review of the organisation and that a further report be prepared to Council outlining the approach to be taken, the outcomes that are being sought, the background of any firms or individuals to be involved and the cost of such review.

The AMENDMENT on being PUT to the VOTE was CARRIED.




Additional issues have been raised by Cr Christian and these issues together with a commentary on each of the matters raised was submitted to the Councillor Review Group meeting on 17 May 2002. A copy of this was circulated to all Councillors with the notes of the meeting of 17 May.

In relation to the above, Council resolved as follows in relation to Item 1 of the Extraordinary Council Meeting of 5 June 2002.


The following supplementary information is provided to Councillors following further questions that were raised by Cr Kerrie Christian which she requested be considered by the Councillor Review Group. Although I provided Councillors with brief commentary on each issue, due to time constraints, a more detailed response was not possible. Therefore, below is a full response to each of the issues raised by Cr Christian which can be considered by Council.


The Executive Management Committee at its meeting on 27 May 2002 considered a draft report which recommended the establishment of a Coastal Advisory Committee. This report will be submitted to the next meeting of Council's Environment Planning & Development Committee for its consideration and final determination.

232 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the above information be noted.


The Wollongong Image Campaign Committee met on Friday, 24 May 2002 to consider the review of the Wollongong Image Campaign. Part of the discussions revolved around the feasibility of becoming a Learning City and the General Manager of the Wollongong Image Campaign together with the Manager Corporate Relations have been asked to further investigate the feasibility of becoming a Learning City and ensuring that the principles and concepts of such Learning City form part of the remainder of the Image Campaign program.

Councillors will be provided with further information following the investigations and feasibility indicated above.

233 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that -

1 The information be noted.

2 The outcomes of the investigation into the Learning City be reported to Council by August 2002.


In relation to the matter raised by Cr Christian, I am not in a position to comment upon whether or not the information that is provided by her to the former Director - Corporate and Governance in April 2002 had been taken seriously or not.

As I have indicated in my previous report to Council in relation to this matter, I have taken steps to investigate various options that Council can consider and I have had discussions with Mr Warren Davis of Babcock and Brown. Arrangements are currently being made to meet with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia who provided the initial finance for the Administration Building, in order that those options available to Council can be further pursued and a report submitted to the Council meetings in the June or July round of committees.

234 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted. (Refer Minute Number 226).


I am not able to comment upon the issue raised by Cr Christian concerning information that was provided to the former Director - Corporate and Governance during a meeting on 5 April 2002. However as I have indicated previously, it is my intention to establish a Strategic Financial Management Committee within the administration which looks at the broader question of Council's overall financial management strategies and policies with a view to ensuring that all aspects of Council's finances are addressed as part of that committee's role. This will take a number of months before a report can be submitted to Council for its consideration.

235 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted. (Refer Minute Number 238).


As I have commented in the above matter this issue will be dealt with through the Strategic Financial Management Review Committee.

236 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted.


It has only come to my attention over the last few weeks that the review of the Neighbourhood Committees was being handled personally by the Director - Corporate and Governance and that the evaluation survey and the use of the data that was being collected by the survey for incorporation for a report to Council, was not being handled by other staff. I have now requested that the Manager Finance, Administration and Information Technology take control of this matter with a report being submitted to Council at an early date. I am hoping that such report can be submitted to the June round of Council committees.

Further, it does highlight that some projects which should have been delegated to staff within the organisation were retained at an Executive level, which is contrary to the role and responsibilities that exist at such level. Accordingly I will need to impress upon each of the Directors that their role is to give strategic leadership within the organisation, overview the operations of each of the Divisions for which they are responsible and not necessarily be drawn into day to day operational matters. However I know this at times presents some difficulties as is cited in the example of the Director - Environment & Planning who has had a strong personal involvement in what has been occurring with the development at Sandon Point.

237 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted.


As has previously been advised to Council the overall approach to reporting through the Quarterly Corporate Review, particularly in relation to financial data, is, and will continue to be reviewed to ensure that Councillors have a full and comprehensive understanding. Further, it would be appropriate for Councillors to attend some of the training courses that the Local Government and Shires Association is currently conducting as it relates to reporting of financial matters.

The Strategic Financial Management Review Committee will also address the longer term analysis of loan borrowings and other investment strategies. I have provided the information to Council's Finance Division concerning the approach taken by other organisations, particularly in managing their investment portfolios. This information was provided by Cr Christian and will provide a beneficial benchmark for Council to make comparisons.

238 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted. (Refer Minute Number 235).


Council's Functions and Events Officer has been made aware of the need to keep Councillors informed, particularly in matters affecting their Ward, however, at times, circumstances are such that arrangements are often not finalised until the very last minute and this imposes considerable difficulties in Councillors being provided with adequate notice and information. This matter is now being redressed.

239 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that Councillors note the action that has been taken.


I am not able to provide Councillors with any explanation of the assertions made by Cr Christian that the former Director - Corporate and Governance continued to pursue Council's involvement with SAP project in April 2002 despite cost blowouts and no acceptance by other Australian seaboard councils.

The matter of SAP has been well and truly canvassed over the last few weeks. Whilst I certainly am not happy with the final outcome, nonetheless Council has been provided with all the relevant information concerning the project and has determined a future direction that the IT strategy should now take.

240 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that Council note this report. (Refer Minute Number 223).


Council's Finance Division has been provided with information from another organisation which was provided by Cr Christian, with a request that the information be used as a benchmark in reviewing and assessing Council's practices and procedures in the investment of surplus funds. When this analysis is completed a report will be provided to Councillors detailing the outcome of the analysis and the strategies that this Council is proposing in relation to investment surplus funds.

241 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths that the information be noted.


Corporate governance is a responsibility for all elected Councillors and senior executive to ensure that appropriate standards, policies and practices are operating within the organisation.

Corporate Governance is an area that needs further development within the organisation both from an understanding point of view and its applicability within the organisation. Council's Corporate Plan has a Corporate Governance program within it and there may be a need to ensure that Corporate Governance standards are well understood and implemented as part of the overall culture of the organisation.

242 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor Christian seconded Councillor Griffiths the General Manager and the Executive Management team continue to reinforce the need for good corporate governance standards to exist throughout the organisation.


243 RESOLVED on the motion of Councillor King seconded Councillor Hunt that whilst Councillors have expressed a range and number of concerns, every effort has been made to either address those concerns or to address specific recommendations about moving forward. Councillors acknowledge the contribution and efforts of the Councillor Review Group to date.

Authorised Kerrie Christian

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