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All poetry on this page was written by Maverick.
Please do not take or borrow
without permission from the author.
Thank You.

For the ones who's partner is not within reach

It's more than the flesh that makes two hearts beat.

If you're sad 'cause you long to be there

Then mentally send a message

So they'll know that you care.

Don't be blue they're really not that far.

Just close your eyes and drift into their arms.

It may sound corny and far fetched too,

But give it a try it might work for you.

As the sun rises and people hurry on their way,

Make time for each other for it's Valentine's Day...

I've been sittin' here waitin' for ya to come out and play.

My thoughts of you is how I made it through the day.

Everyone should feel this good.

But they can't have you, but they would if they could.

For you belong to me and I ain't giving you up,

And if you don't feel the same then tuff.

What gets more messed up the heart or the mind?

That's something we all have to sort out in time.

Something that's easy to handle in everyday life

Get's magnified in your personal strife.

Nothing yet have you seen.

Better have an ace up your sleeve when you lay down your queen.

Ain't a game where the winner takes all.

Unless it's in the name of love that both our hearts fall.

Oh the tales we tell.

About going through mental hell.

The hearts that bleed on a lonely sidewalk.

Better be willing to back what you talk.

Words are cheap and there's millions out there.

But the priceless ones can strip your soul bare.

Words that strike the fire like a branded steer,

Will force from your deepest thoughts emotional tears.

Wanna know the secret for finding true love?

Wanna know if it comes from above?

I ain't that smart to answer you

For I wasn't looking for something new.

Just something that happened while I wasn't looking.

I'd give all I own to know what fate's got cooking.

Guess I'll just sit and stew in the juices.

Without her in my life I suddenly feel useless.

If paybacks are hell then I wanna say uncle.

I can see a dim light at the end of this tunnel.

But the more I move onward the brighter the light.

The deeper our love gets the more it seems right.

A strong sense of belonging that clicked into place.

We are friends by feelings first,

And then the face.

Sounds crazy but it's true.

It's more than luck that makes it happen to you.

So enter at your own risk,

And let the words flow the chemistry.

And not what you say will let your heart know.

Yep, it's kewl to chat with someone you've never seen,

For the general connection is that we're all human beings.


Ain't the angel I've seen save me from the jaws of hell.

My angel flies straight and proud.

She don't draw attention by braggin' loud.

My angel has style.

And doesn't have to prove she's got class.

And she don't throw stones that bounce back onto her house made of glass.

No, mine is true and has finnesse.

She doesn't have to try to be the best.

My angel ain't concerned about what other's say.

She's to special to let that block her way.

(This one is MY personal favorite! I can't get over how it tugs at my heart every time I read it)

If I could shed a tear it'd be for you,

For all I've put you through.

My shortcomings you've seen unfold.

You're still here?

Damn you're bold.

You won't leave my heart or my mind.

So I guess I'm stuck with you 'till the end of time.

Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining.

In fact you're a song I'd like to write and sing.

I don't always chart my course or state my case,

But I can always picture a warm smile on your face.

So shine on.

I'll help anyway I can.

All I can offer you is me,

If you'll take a complex simple man.

I don't have the guts

And don't need the glory.

My house is no doubt a two story.

What happens below isn't heard above.

The walls separate push from shove.

Split level would be more my style.

I could move around and not be heard from in awhile.

The doors aren't locked, so why don't I go?

I've got nothin' to hide and nothin' to show.

Second guess me

'Cause I've not a clue.

Maybe it's what's called paying your dues.

One day maybe I'll mail in my key.

If I do, expect to hear from me.

I can feel the emptiness when you leave me all alone.

The impact you've made on me

Is like none I've ever known.

The stillness of the air

And the gloom that darkness brings

Creep in when you're not here to help me deal with those things.

My guardian and protector.

And a comforter of my needs.

It's times like this I realize what you mean to me.

But I'm not scared or really alone,

It just seems that way.

For your spirit beats inside me

Until my dying day.

So light the candles and say to hell with it all.

It's time to let the chips fall.

We both feel the flame and endure the pain.

Only us two are the ones that ain't sane.

For love travels a strange road no doubt.

For now we know what it's like to do without.

Don't fan the flame,

It's raging on its own.

For the soul tells the mind to set the tone.

Can't force what isn't or slow what is.

So brace yourself and get ready for what is.


I knew all about this.

I'm willing to pay the price.

Ain't right but it sure feels nice.

Your body doin' things I could've only imagine.

So hurry baby, 'cause my patience is wearin' thin.

Stoke the fire and lay the comforter down.

For what you've been aching for has finally been found.

Without her help these Poetry Pages
wouldn't be ready for viewing this soon, thank you for all the help.
HUGGZ to you my friend.

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