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All poetry on this page was written by Maverick.
Please do not take or borrow
without permission from the author.
Thank You.


Look at that otter with an abalone on his belly.

As his belly takes the swells like it's made of jelly.

The oil on his fur keeps his skin dry, he's still hungry so he takes another dive.

The otter finds a starfish, takes a bite and sez "What the hell is this?"

Then he pulls up an octopuss, sez "It'd be to chewy if he was a wuss!".

Then a steelhead sees the otter and eyes the otters meal.

The otters meal is now the steels.

Otter is mad that his supper is another's meal.

But the otter knows he made out in that deal.

So back riding a wave the otter looks for food.

Wouldn't ya know it here comes a sea-doo.

Otter dives just in time and puts his paws on a crabpot line.

Them crabs sure look good, so he tries to grab 'em the best he could.

But the chicken wire digs in his coat, and a crabs claw goes for his throat.

So the otter swims backwards in defeat, he's to tired now for anything to eat.

Rises to the top but the suns going down, so he swims to safety of a restricted park ground.

He lays on the sand and says today was a riot.

Today would've been perfect for me to start my diet.

Throw out some words to make a rhyme.

Ain't hard to do if ya got the time.

Just think real hard about this and that.

But the writers block will make you mad.

So many things that you could say

About dreams passed by that soon decayed,

Or love and lust and lots of stuff,

Like how your life has been to rough.

People shouting down the hall one pulls the trigger while the other falls.

Young woman gets married in the month of June then wonders if it was to soon.

Crazy people everywhere, the I.R.S. wants part of my share.

Teenage daughter goes on her first date, makes worried parents stay up to late.

I'm back again, clothes ragged and lookin' thin.

But time does that to a person.

I'm to stubborn to take the hint and run.

Slow movin' outlaws aren't always dumb.

I've got more stories than you wanna hear son.

This weathered face is the guestbook to my soul.

I tie my tortured thoughts to the end of a fishing pole.

Watch that yacht, it laughs at the little I got.

They don't know my riches are on the inside.

I could cuss them plastic people, but I've got to much pride.

I got a tattoo on my heart

It holds the good and not the bad part,

For the heart is connected to the soul.

Where only close spirits could ever know.

Restless souls that roam the halls of love

Fall on their knees and ask guidance from above.

The bell tolls and the time is near,

But who's to know what way to stear.

Holding your tongue will keep ya from being on the run.

So many words you want to say,

So many times that you were held at bay.

The time will come if meant to be.

For only you and higher powers know what I see.

For the magic can fade if it feels the threat,

So place the cards on the table

And make your bet.

I sure am mad, ever been like me?

Ever tried to get back what you can't retrieve?

Well it happened to me

And I can't get it back.

Not even praying can pull up the slack.

It was good and I was very proud.

You should've heard what I cussed out loud.

I'm still really hot and no you can't help.

There's nothing like being mad at yourself.

Stacey rescued an otter named Sam.

He lived on crustaceans and yams.

One day while on his back,

The waves started to attack.

He was in the middle of one heck of a storm.

He got scared because he wasn't warned.

So he rolled over and went back into the sea.

But couldn't go home 'cause the water was murky.

So he swam straight up and poked his head out.

Dark clouds and lightening was the only things out.

So he looked for his mother and father too.

Saw no sister or brother to help him through.

He thought good LORD I'm in another mess.

I'd have friends around if I wasn't a pest.

He looked left and also looked right.

Ears folded close to his head for he was in fright.

The rain came and the thunder came next.

All he wanted now was a safe place to rest.

Then he looked with amazement and said "What's that I see?"

With his paws he rubbed his eyes and said "This just can't be."

A boat was coming right toward him

Rain falling to hard so he couldn't see them.

As the boat got closer to rescue Sam,

A woman reached out and said "Grab my hand."

She grabbed the otters paw and pulled him from the sea.

Sam said "What's your name?"

She said "Stacey".

He said "I sure am glad you saved me ma'am, all I was doin' was eating crustaceans and yams."

She said "Yes I know," as she toweled his fur dry.

And wiped away the scared look from his eyes.

They headed for shore to a safer place

Where Sam's family was waiting with smiles on their face.

As Stacey returned back to the sea,

Sam and his folks waved bye bye from the beach.

But she didn't leave by boat, naw she jumped in the waves.

They knew by her tail she was a mermaid.

Idols made of clay won't help when hope fades away.

Bricks are of clay and are around long after today.

Faith builds a bridge that you must walk.

Hope comes from inspiration that others talk.

Direction comes from those who've seen the way

Like the sun that brightens the day.

Wisdom comes from those who have made mistakes.

Some on purpose and others just by fate.

Life is given to all with a choice for us to pursue.

But only by soul searching

Will the answers come to you.

I know what you mean or do I?

As the words stopped and the meaning didn't fly by.

What's on our minds others see, what they think is often perceived.

As it goes on and thoughts roll off our tongues,

We wonder how to undo what's been done.

As our minds think of what the other is thinking,

We can't help but wonder if our ship is sinking.

As we go on to find our quest,

Our bewilderment gets put to the test.

Only time will and often tells us

If what we have has been tarnished by rust.

As the moon casts it light on the earth below,

It shines on things the sun doesn't know.

The night and those who bask in it

Are caught by the moonglow before the sun hits.

Mysterious and magical the moon casts its spell.

For only your shadow would ever tell.

All kinds of creatures come out at night.

As if they're drawn to the moons light.


My thoughts of you comfort me.

From early mornin' rise

To my late night sweetest dreams.

They come into my mind and wash away life's dirty deeds.

That's the way it often happens when thoughts of you cross over me.

I've felt your presence in the evening when I'm likely by myself.

I've heard your voice trying to reach me

When you know I need your help.

You've touched my soul without me asking.

You've held my heart without me knowing.

You give to me what I've been lacking.

And shelter from cold winds blowing.

Yeah, you're a part of me for sure.

A part that I can't explain.

Lord knows I've tried to find the answers,

But, I almost always go insane.

I've learned to let it work its magic

For I must go with the flow.

There'll always be unanswered questions

And things that I will never know.

So we're right back where we started.

Not such a bad place to be.

I've tried to hard to let you go.

For your love to ever set me free.

To ever want to set you free.

You're to much of all I see.

Can't do without you're what I need.