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All poetry on this page was written by Maverick.
Please do not take or borrow
without permisson from the author.
Thank You.

I was climbing a mountain that turned into a mudslide,

I tried to take cover from the rocks flying by.

I was alright for awhile or so I thought

But all I was doing was wasting time that I bought.

For the ground soon gave way right under my feet,

Before I knew it I was in real deep.

As I began to slide down closer to the sea,

I was able to grab onto a limb from a tree.

As the mud slid around me and ripped off my shoes,

I couldn't figure out what I should do.

As I looked up at where I had been,

I looked down below at what could be the end.

As the water came higher and went past my hips,

I wondered how I got into this fix.

As I hold on for dear life to that precious tree limb,

It dawns on me hey bud you can't swim.

So I pull myself up with all my might

For I don't want to die tonight.

I take all my energy and jump onto a ledge

Protected from the debris by a thick huge hedge.

From up above a rope gets tossed my way

Put the tunes on and let it rip.

Don't matter if the songs are hip.

A good song has no category,

Just needs a melody and a story.

If the words grab your heart and the music moves your feet,

Your spirit will fly above where others weep.

The memories songs dig up

Come back to you when you're in love.

But can also dredge up unwanted hurt and pain,

Of bad times you never want to see again.

So many people hear what a singer sings

Not knowing later how true those lyrics ring.

I saw a woman in a blue crown vic pull up to stinkers

She looked so pretty I had to wink at her.

She didn't pay me no mind

As she hurried on inside.

She came out with a carton of Kools,

She finally looked over at this fool.

She smiled and turned the key,

Metallica cranking as she smiled at me.

She lit up a cig,

Then took off her blonde wig

Her real hair was long and smelled sweet,

But her attack dog was in the back seat.

As she clicked her electric window down,

I heard gnashing of teeth from her over sized daschund.

As her car came close to my truck,

Her dog tried to bite so I had to duck.

As TW got ever so near,

Her dog lurched forward and grabbed onto my ear.

Things sure can turn around

When you decide where you are bound.

Twisted and turned and leaving you with just your thoughts,

Oh the lesson life has taught.

The sun beats hard on ya when hitchin' a ride,

As cars zoom by you smile instead of cry.

Just you and a suitcase full of all you own,

Packed with memories of what you used to call home.

As tires pull onto the gravel on the shoulder,

Driver asks where ya goin' and you say I’m not really sure.

Miles pass by and you're many miles closer,

But you're road weary and the towns become a blur.

You're closer to where you want to be,

But often ponder will she be waiting for me.

Your stubborn side is showing through.

I know what that means, do you?

You look over at me with one of THOSE looks

And at that moment I know my goose is cooked.

The more I clam-up the madder you get

And I realize I haven't seen nothin' yet.

About now you are steamed and you grit your teeth.

Sure wish I could find a rock to crawl beneath.

As the steam from your ears fog the windows,

I don't know whether to stay put or go.

Then you start grinning and cut loose a boisterous laugh.

By now I realize you ain’t gonna chew my ass.

Then you light a cig and take a puff,

And tell me you couldn't stay mad at me 'cause I enjoy it to much.

A woman can turn your world around and beat your heart into pulp.

Then hang you out to dry and leave you lonely with time to sulk.

She can be so wicked and sweet at the same time.

She can make me happy or get on my knees and whine.

Something about her charm and other tricks in her bag

That at the same time make me happy and mad.

I don't know who said women are a mystery,

But that is so true just took awhile for me to see.

I guess I wouldn't want it any other way.

I love mysteries and what a sweet price to pay.

As my chains rattle through the hall,

The leaves scuffle around and gently fall.

A lost soul keeps buying time

As the grapes get plucked and turn into wine.

Solid footsteps tread where I wanna go,

But the cards of life won't tell me so.

Reckless hopeful and leaning on faith,

Is the only reason that I’m gonna wait

As the hands of time show me direction.

It's full of pain but alot more fun

But never knowing will make my dying breath,

Cause this ghost of me to never rest.


I don't like the way your words cut through me like a knife

I don't know who you think you are..

You used to be my wife.

The way you're talkin' now ain’t the way you did back then.

My life was back to normal until you showed up again.

Now don't you rant and rave that doesn't square the deal.

I have grown numb to you with nothing left to feel.

The very thought of ever letting you come back home

Makes me want to change the locks & chills me to the bone.

I don't want to hear it and no you can't change anything.

I bought me some CD’s when I pawned your wedding ring.

If another man will have you he must be high on drugs

There's no way to cover up the hole that you've dug.

Goodbye, goodnight, good-riddens & all that good-luck stuff.

You had your chance and blew it so don't try to keep in touch.

It's to late to tango with the likes of you.

Hope you learned a lesson on the things you shouldn't do.