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All poetry on this page was written by Maverick.
Please do not take or borrow
without permission from the author.
Thank You.


Now's the time for NO remorse.

No turning back for what you had

Just running to what made you have it baaaaaaad!

Gotta have it one way or another.

GOD, how I love her.

Two hearts play hell with kings and queens,

But we broke out of THAT boring scene.

Running like outlaws our hearts are bleeding bad,

But we know we've got to get better than what we've had.

As the border police raise there guns we kiss and run into the dark,

For love knows no fear

When it sees our stubborn hearts.

So many sing 'till their heart's content

Others sound like their voice is for rent.

The hit songs and concert tours,

After awhile they get bored.

But sing they do and some better then others

But they have to call a silver eagle their home.

So that fake smile they shine when the lights come on

Tells a tale known only by some.

As the miles fly past and another venue is played,

The cities get blurred into just another stay

As the ocean keeps on moving and the moon shines just above,

I look into the heavens and think about the one I love.

What is it that she's thinking and does it include me

Or are they distant thoughts of how her life used to be.

She's known happy times and wonders if they'll come again,

As the moonlight dances off the ocean and reflects off a dolphins fin.

Her long hair gently sways as the breeze picks up some more,

She looks out on the horizon and gets farther from her shore.

She knows not where she's going as a lighthouse passes by,

But her strong will over shadows any tears that she may cry.

For what lies ahead she won't second guess and refuses to be told.

She's smarter than most when it comes to who she wants to hold.


I can't leave you like that with me feeling this way.

I walked out the door when I should've stayed.

We both rode that rainbow to a far away place.

I saw other’s eyes with tears runnin' down their face.

Their feelings have died emotions grown cold.

You can't help a heart whose passions been sold.

They want what we have, they beg from their soul,

Their cries of mercy to say what we know.

Whatever we have they know it's for them.

They keep reachin' out for a far away friend.

It comes with a price but it can not be sold.

It can not be traded, and it can not be loaned.

One day they'll find it and they'll see it clear.

They'll get what we've got and shed a passionate tear.


This lonesome road ain’t so lonesome

'Cause I have true friends to rely on.

The road is long and not very wide,

But wide enough to have friends by my side.

The road is long as the river is deep,

But thoughts of tomorrow won't rob me of sleep.

For the hands that reach out with help to lend

Are from a tight circle of truly great friends.

You feel blue?

That's something I knew.

I could tell by what you don't say.

But ya know that's ok

Everybody's been there.

It ain’t nice or very fair.

It's natural to feel down.

Let others know who are around.

Talk your talk and reveal your clues.

'Cause everybody's had the blues.

The highs are as high as the lows are low.

I'm going where friendly winds blow.

Where the eagles glide across a majestic sky,

And people without pain haven't learned to cry.

A place that is fitting for me.

I've seen visions of how it'll be,

I'm not afraid nor stepping to light

For it consumes my dreams at night.

That waterfall or those wildflowers

Among other things that give me power.

My spirit and my dream will take me there

To a place I’ll rest my cares.

My mind wanders while I continue my quest

For only I know what suits me best.

The trail is my own and the direction my choice,

Guided by my conviction and my souls inner voice.

When the house lights fade whose left to console you?

When the applause ends and the crowd leaves who do you turn to?

When you're rolling along empty headed

Who's there to meet you half way?

Can your mind adapt to changes pounding on you today?

Sure you can handle it and walk tall and proud.

And get your point across without being loud.

You smile as you gaze out your window

As the miles go by.

Your true friends pick up the pieces whether you win

Or fail when you try.


Your eyes they see through cloudy skies...

Your eyes full of love enough to cry.

Your heart so tender and sincere...

That's the part full of passion and so dear.

Your soul exposes what you can not say...

Oh but I know how words sometimes get in the way.

Your thoughts sometimes so distant and so heavy...

Even though you fought and tried to keep them steady.

Your dreams at times seem out of reach...

So it seems you can't go for what you seek.

But I know you, you'll keep reaching for the stars...

With a heart so true, so much a part of who you are.

I care and will until the day I die...

If you'll share the thoughts I see

Within your eyes.

Please don't forget to sign Maverick's guestbook and let him know you were here! Thanks...