Brock- Brock is the first gym leader, located in Pewter City. Brock gives the Boulder Badge, along with TM 34. Brock uses a Geodude-Level 12, and an Onix-Level 14. I recommend water pokémon.
Misty- Misty is the second gym leader, located in Cerulean City. Misty gives the Cascade Badge, along with TM 11. She uses a Staryu-Level 18, and a Starmie-Level 21. I recommend electric pokémon.
Lt. Surge- Lt. Surge is the third gym leader, located in Vermilion City. He gives the Thunder badge, along with TM 24. Surge uses a Voltorb-Level 21, a Pikachu-Level 18, and a Raichu-Level 24. I recommend rock pokémon.
Erika- Erika is the fourth gym leader, located in Celadon City. Erika gives the Rainbow Badge, along with TM 21. Erika uses a Victreebel-Level 29, a Tangela-Level 24, and a Vileplume-Level 29. I recommend fire pokémon.
Sabrina- Sabrina is the fifth gym leader, located in Saffron City. Sabrina gives the Marsh Badge, along with TM 46. She uses a Kadabra-Level 38, a Mr.Mime-Level 37, a Venomoth-Level 38, and an Alakazam-Level 43. I recommend ghost or bug pokémon.
Koga- Koga is the sixth gym leader, located in Fuchsia City. Koga gives the Soul Badge, along with TM 06. He uses a Koffing-Level 37, a Muk-Level 39, another Koffing-Level 37, and a Weezing-Level 43. I recommend psychic pokémon.
Blaine- Blaine is the seventh gym leader, located in the Cinnabar Islands. Blaine gives the Volcano Badge, along with TM 38. He uses a Growlithe-Level 42, a Ponyta-Level 40, a Rapidash-Level 42, and an Arcanine-Level 47. I recommend water or ice pokémon.
Giovanni- Giovanni is the eighth gym leader, located in Veridian City. Giovanni gives the Earth Badge, along with TM 27. He uses a Rhyhorn-level 45, a Dugtrio-Level 42, a Nidoqueen-Level 43, a Nidoking-Level 45, and a Rhydon-Level 50. I recommend using water or ice pokémon once again (especially Articuno).