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The Quantum Leap I. Q. Test

I am so glad to see you're here! Are you ready to test your own retrieval program with a few teasers I have put together?

This is how it works. Listed below are a few of my favourite Q L episodes.  Under each I have added 5 questions pertaining specifically to that episode.  Keep in mind that some questions have more than one part.

If after completing the quiz you find *your favorite* episode isn't amongst the one's listed please feel free to email me, (the address is on my home page)  Along with the episode title please send 5 questions you would like asked.  When I get a chance I will add them to the list including your name as a contributor to this site.

Just to get you started, from what episode is my new page picture from. If you guessed "Honeymoon Express" you were right! It's that easy

Have fun.   Kerri

Added on the 1st of December 2001, thanks to Allison.
Episode: The Wrong Stuff

Q1: What was the name of the chimpanzee that Sam leaps into?

Q2: What was the name of the chimpanzee that had a crush on Sam, or "Bobo"?

Q3: What was the test conducted on chimpanzees who were rejected from the program?

Q4: What is the real name of the female scientist in this episode?

Q5: How does Sam react to his reflection in the mirror? What does he say?

Episode: The Leap Back

Q1: What was the name of the star that Ziggy located for Donna at the end of this episode.

Q2: Al was 1945, what was the date back at the project? And why was it so improtant to him?

Q3: Where did Clifford box?

Q4: What was the name of Crown Point's happy milkman? And what was so special about him?

Q5: Who was John Becketts lawyer? What was requested of him? How much was he paid?

Episode: M I A

Q1: What article of clothing did Al think Sam would look good in?

Q2: What song was Beth listening to when Al entered the bungalow to see her before Sam leaped?

Q3: Sam proposed a toast when he took Beth to dinner, what was it?

Q4: What did Dirk Simon's mother ask if she could borrow from Beth?

Q5: Undercover as a guru Sam is given a flower by two hippies. What kind of flower is it?

Episode:  Killin' Time

Q1: What colour is Gooshies car?

Q2: In what county was John Hoyt sheriff?

Q3: Who does Beckie tell Sheriff Hoyt is inside the house with her mother?

Q4: The right lane is reserved for what kind of vehicles?

Q5: What should always be worn when tracking a psychotic killer?

Episode:   A Leap for Lisa

Q1: What was Lisa Shermans husbands name?  Where was he on the night Marci Riker was killed?

Q2: Who did Bingo think Al was?

Q3: Where was defence attorneys Commander Hugh Dobbs usual practice?

Q4: How did Chip die?

Q5: When Sam changed history, who replaced Al as project observer?

Episode:   The Leap Home (Part 1)

Q1: What brand of cigeretts does Sam's dad smoke?

Q2: Name the basket ball teams that opened the 1969 season? Which team won?

Q3: How old was grandpa Beckett when he died?

Q4: Who wrote Sam's favourite song?  What is it's title?

Q5: How many hours sleep did Tom have during hell week?

Episode:   The Leap Home (Part 2 Vietnam)

Q1:  Who skied all the way to Saigon on bare feet once?

Q2:  What don't seals ever ware?

Q3:  Name the mission Tom originally died on?  What was the mission's objective?

Q4: What radio frequency are the sappers using?

Q5: In how many years will Al be repatriated?

Added thanks to Patty on the 15th of August 1998.

Episode: Shock Theater

Q1: What was Tibby sufering from?

Q2: How many personalities did Sam regress into? Who were they?

Q3: How many years had Nurse Chatam worked at Haven Well?

Q4: How long was Sam in recovery before he regained consiousness?

Q5: What was the voltage set at?

Added thanks to Vic on the 25th of September 1998.

Episode: The Leap Between The States.

Q1: Who does Sam leap into?

Q2: How does he explain this is possible?

Q3: What was Sam's great grandmother's name?

Q4: What does Livvy use to clean Sam's wound?

Q5: Who would be the famous civil rights activist decendent of Isaac.

Added thanks to Angela Brush on the 26th of September 1998

Episode: Star Crossed.

Q1: What is the name of the Professor that Sam leaped into and where and what does he teach?

Q2: What quote from Gerald Bryant's book convinces Sam to break his own rules and save his relationship with Donna?

Q3: What is Donna's last name, what is her father's last name, and why is this unusual?

Q4:What was important about the night that Sam took Donna to be reunited with her father, and how did Sam help?

Q5: What is the name of the actress that played Donna, what was her flight into fame, and name at least 2 other tv shows or movies she's done.

Added by Angela again on the 22.12.98

Episode: Maybe Baby

Q1: What unusual relationship was between the guest star of this episode and one of the producers?

Q2: Name the song that Al sang to baby Christie and recite it using Al's lyrics?

Q3: Sam used coffee as a quick " one time " cure for Christie's asthma. name the coffee ingredient he needed and what he described it as?

Q4: Why did Bunny get confused as to what the address of Christies Mom was? Was it 7232 Mesa Avenue, or 4232 Mesa Avenue?

Q5: What movie did guest star Julie Brown co-star in with Jim Carey?

Episode: Sea Bride

Q1: What was the name and nickname of Katherine's fiance?

Q2: Quantum Leap's costume designer won an Emmy for this episode. What is his name?

Q3: What impeded Sam's progress when he met Katherine at the pool at midnight?

Q4: How did Sam finally get Katherine to talk to him and convince her to meet him.

Q5: How did Sam change history?

Episode: Future Boy

Q1: What are the names of the characters Moe and Sam play?

Q2: What is Sam' s reaction when he first sees Al?

Q3: What does Sam have to do a commercial dressed up as?

Q4: Future Boy describes things in the future, what are they?

Q5: How does Sam inadvertantly affect his own history and what is the kiss with history in this story?


BONUS QUESTION: Name At Least 10 Actors Or Actresses Who Went On To TV or Movies, and name their movies/shows, After QUANTUM LEAP?

BONUS QUESTION 2: The speech Sam makes at Moe's trial is really as much about Sam himself as it is about Moe. Repeat that speech from memory?

Leap Home
Answers for IQ test
