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I am in the middle of changing my awards, please check back soon.
Submit For WildMusk's Award

Please follow these rules...

1. No adult sites, if my kids can't view it then neither can I...
2. Easy navigation is a plus...I don't want to get lost...
3. A link back to the main page would be good...
4. Signing my guestbook is a MUST!
5. The reason I ask you to sign the guestbook is...
because that is how I will be getting to your site to view it.
As absent minded as I am,
I sometimes forget to check my mail.
When I check my guest book I visit sites of those who signed and then check my mail,
I know it's a bad habit I have...
Plus even those who don't submit for my award may get it anyway. Since I visit ALL sites of those who have signed my guestbook
and may end up gettin' my award just because I liked their site...

Submit by sending me a email...Please let me know which award you are applying for...

Send me your name.
Site URL.
Your email address.
Describe your site in a few words.

I have one special award
I give out that isn't shown on this page.
I only give it to people who have signed my guest book
and left me a link to follow.
The award is given to those sites that have touched me in some way...

That's all there is to it...


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