The First Few Words
Since Splinter brought the turtles up together and in turn passed on his small musings about life, the turtles will normally react to a strange situation in the same way. How they take action around this situation may be entirely different from each other. Another thing that should be mentioned before we go further in this dangerous endeavor of me reflecting my bungling attempt to show you my own view of the turtles personalities (hopefully at least a part of which will coincide with your own,) it should be mentioned the turtles are very close as brothers. Practically ever factor brings them together. First, they have been isolated their whole lives living in close community with each other. Then they also realize that all the other thinking beings in the city, and therefore the world, are humans. Thirdly, Splinter has put a lot of emphasis in their upbringing on their brotherhood and always staying together, which does have it's survival uses too. After being together so long the turtles can easily pick up on each others moods just by glancing at how they are sitting or their facial expressions. They have attuned themselves to each others facial traits so well that they can often ask and answer questions without words. When April first meets them this habit continues the confusion which at first ensues because she was constantly getting lost in conversations because things that the others intuitively know, April misses, and it is often hard for them to put into words what would normally not need to have been said. In short, their first loyalties are always to each other and Splinter. Their ninjitsu skills are growing with a unique flavor, for this is the very first time Splinter has ever tried to train a pupil of any sort. In the beginning when the turtles were quite young and he was just starting some lessons went over better than others, but after the while he got the hang of it and the kinks for each individual turtle. He is quite insightful and picked up quickly. Most of the unusualness comes from the fact that Splinter observed Yoshi's movements before gaining thought, so sometimes the moves are adapted to as much as he can remember. The flow and pattern of moves rubbed off a little better, though, and it is that which the Shredder recognizes as Yoshi. Also bear in mind that Splinter did read all the books that Yoshi had taken with him to America , most of which were concerning the mind of martial arts. All of his other views that he shows to the turtles come straight from his furry core, Splinter was a very wise and observant rat after all.

