

Leo: We've been trudging through this swamp for hours now!
Don: And all we've got to show for it is blisters the size of Rhode Island.
Mike: Yeah, and mosquitoes the size of 747's.
Rasputin (frog): I'll handle that! (grabs mosquitoe with tounge and eats it.) That sure hit the spot!
April: Ugh. How can you do that?
Rasputin: Your right, miss April, i should have offered the two of you some.
Mike: Forget it, dude, it's not even on a pizza.

Leo: Shred-head and Leather-head joining forces?
Shredder: Why not? They say two heads are better than one.

(after Shredder has been shrunken)
Krang: Shredder is that you?
Shredder:m, it's me Krang! You have to help me, I need to grow up!
Krang: I've been trying to tell you that for years!
Rocksteady: Gee, I feel just like a Daddy, coochie coochie coo!

Krang: Are you sure it's supposed to do that, Shredder?

Mike: Whoa, talking pigs and rabbits? I find that a little hard to swallow.
Raph: Not like talking turtles, right?

Krang: This device is far from perfect.
Shredder: Well, so are you. I'll find the problem and fix it.
Krang: Promises, promises..

(to Usagi in disguise) Vendor: Hey yo, Friar Tuck, win a coopie (?) doll, it'll really brighten up the monastary!

Usagi: Are those warriors your enimies?
Don: That's the understatment of the year!

Shredder: What! All those foot soldiers destroyed? Those blasted turtles again, one day i'm going to send them a bill for all those soldier parts!

Usagi: The villians are escaping!
Raph: So what else is new?

Shredder: Krang, I don't know why you dragged me out here to supervise repair work!
Krang: Stop complaing, it'll do you good to get out of that stuffy ol' technodrome once in awhile.
Shredder:(mopping brow)Yeah, and into this even stuffier earth's core!

Shredder: Krang, you brainy-ache! What have you done?
Krang: I'm not sure, I'll I know is that I've stumbled onto something truley evil, my horoscope said this would be my lucky day!

Bebop: Oh boy boss, are we gonna beat up on the toitles?
Shredder: If I know you, you're going to get beat up by the turtles.
Rocksteady: What's the difference? As long as somebody gets beat up!

Shredder: I'm so glad you could make it, turtles, and I'm sure your friend Michaelangelo is too!
Leo: What have you done to him?
Don: You'll be sorry if you've harmed him!
Shredder: Harm him? On his birthday? Aaah, what a horrible thought! Speaking of birthdays, (to Rocksteady and Bebop) what did you get him?

Shredder: I've told you a thousand times, don't open the sunroof until after we reach the surface!
Rocksteady: Oh, but it's such a pretty day!

Leo: So this is your hideout, an abandoned biulding!
Raph: What a brilliantly origanal idea.

(riding bikes back to hideout)
Rocksteady: These things are hard work!
Bebop: Your just out of shape.
Rocksteady: No way! I'm just pooped from getting these bikes away from those brats.
Bebop: Yeah, for a couple of four year olds they put up a pretty good fight!

Shreddor: Forgive the messy appearance, gentlemen, if I'd kown you were coming I would have tidied up the place!
Raph: Hm, chandelear's a nice touch.
Shredder: That was my idea, I felt the place could use some cheering up.

Shredder: Is he tied sucurely?
Rocksteady: This guy ain't going nowhere's.
Bebop: Nothing to do now but what for that rabbit to finish the job.
Shredder: Oh, Bebop, that's why your such a failure in life, you let others do your work for you!
Bebop: Gee, you really think so, boss?
Shredder: I know so, instead of loafing around, you two throw-backs should be out doing things!
Rocksteady: O, o! I got an idea, boss, we could go look for some fuel!
Bebop: U, yeah, then we could bring the technodrome up to the soiface.
Shredder: Good thinking! Go out there and steal every source of fuel you can lay your unwashed hands on!
Bebop: Right, boss, (together) fuel, fuel, fuel.
Shredder: Having others do your work for you. That's what being the boss is all about!

(on seeing his surprise birthday party)
Mike: Whoa, you guys did remember after all! Dudes, I don't know what to say...
Splinter: Well, I do. As you would put it Michaelangelo, let's PARTY!

Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation

Don:(to Venus) It's only magic until the science guys figure out what it really is.

(while fighting)
Venus: A piece of pie!
Leo: Cake, that's cake.
Venus: Easy as cake!
Leo: Pie, that's easy as pie.
Venus: Make up your mind!
