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The Guardian of Forever

Part 1

By D. E. Beals

Space and time, the final frontiers. These are the voyages of one man through space, time, and reality. This is a dimension not only of sight and sound but of the mind as well. Can two, or more, universes coexist in the same space, the same time, but in different dimensions? A long time ago in a galaxy far away or is it this same galaxy, right now, but just a phase shift or two away. A rift in the time-space continuum can allow passage between these different realities. Such a rift can be caused by a massive explosion combined with a mystical force more powerful than anything man could ever design or build.

Daniel Earl Baker had always wanted to be in Star Fleet. As a young man he had idolized James T. Kirk and had tried his best to emulate the famous starship captain. He finished the academy just two points under the record set by his idol but he had been unable to get his dream assignment to the Enterprise. He had been told that the only opening on Captain Kirk’s ship was that of Supply Officer and so he had applied himself for months to learning all that he could about Supplies and Logistics in the hope of winning that coveted assignment. But his graduation at the top of his class brought him only disappointment when he learned that he was being assigned to the USS Phoenix. His promotion to ensign and immediate assignment as the Supply Officer aboard the Reliant-class starship did little to erase that disappointment.

Dan may have been disappointed in being assigned to the Phoenix but that didn’t stop him from admiring her as he watched her dock at Deep Space Nine space station. The ship had been refitted but she looked brand new. And somebody at Star Fleet had come up with the creative idea of painting her outer hull with the image of the legendary flaming bird she was named after and, although it was highly unusual, Star Fleet had consented to the paint scheme. The scuttlebutt going around was that was just a new recruiting tool to get more young men and women interested in serving in Star Fleet but the paint scheme did fit with the image of the starship literally rising out of her ashes to be reborn.

The ship had been nearly destroyed in heavy fighting with Klingon rebels and their Romulan allies. The rebels were trying to overthrow the Klingon high command because the recent treaty with the Federation had left a bitter taste with many of the veteran Klingon warriors. The Phoenix, then known as the USS Iowa, NCC-955, had responded to the Klingon distress call and came onto the scene with phasers and photon torpedoes flying in every direction. Her crew had fought bravely until the Enterprise and several other Federation starships came to the rescue. But the damage sustained by the Iowa had been so extensive that the refit was basically a complete rebuild. Thus Star Fleet changed the ship’s name and registry number and authorized the unusual paint scheme.

Dan Baker wasn’t happy with his new assignment. The entire crew of the Phoenix, including the captain, had treated him with disdain ever since he came on board at DS9. He thought at first that it was because he was new or that he had been at the top of his class at the academy and received an immediate promotion to ensign. But that wouldn’t explain why all of the crew seemed to dislike him. And the captain would surely be above that kind of petty behavior. And yet they all seemed on edge whenever he was around and he received some very odd requests for supplies on a daily basis. What could possibly cause such irrational behavior in the entire crew? There was only one crew member who had treated him decently and that was his Supply Sergeant, Amanda Blake. And even she kept her distance.

Dan began to research out the materials he was being asked to requisition and the ship’s library computer gave him some very unnerving answers to his inquiries. Most of the materials requested were usually used in the manufacture of powerful and illegal psychotic drugs. And only starships or star bases could even get permission for requisitions for most of the materials. But whenever Dan asked about the strange orders he was told to mind his own business and do his duty. Well he certainly knew what his duty was and he intended to perform it to the best of his abilities. But his constant requests to speak to the captain went unanswered until one day when he saw the captain in the corridor outside the officer’s mess.

“Captain, may I speak with you a moment, sir?”

The captain turned toward him and suddenly glared at Dan.

“What do you want, Baker? Aren’t you the duty officer tonight?”

“Yes, sir. But not for another half hour.”

“Then get to your station, mister!”

The captain spun away and entered the mess hall without another word. Dan was stunned by the rebuke. Why did the captain dislike him so much? It was too much for Dan. He went back to his cabin and prepared a coded query to Star Fleet Command. But his transmission was terminated by the communication’s officer who told him they were now entering the UFC system and all transmissions were suspended until further notice. The UFC system was supposed to be off limits to all persons or vessels. It was the system of the “Time Planet” where the Guardian of Forever was located in the ruins of the ancient city of Oyya. Dan now felt completely alone and isolated. Even the prospect of working with Amanda Blake that night did little to ease his loneliness.

Supply Officer’s log, USS Phoenix, stardate 4291.6, Ensign Daniel Earl Baker reporting. My initial survey of the supply department has left me with only questions. My crewmates treat me like I was carrying the Rigellian Fever. Nobody talks to me unless it is absolutely necessary. And the requests for certain chemicals have me completely baffled. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear that they were trying to manufacture illegal hallucinogenic drugs and dangerous explosives. But that’s impossible to believe of a Starfleet crew. My attempts to question my superior officers have met with utter silence. I’m told that the crew knows their jobs and I’m not experienced enough to question their judgment. And now I’ve been rebuked by the captain for absolutely no reason that I can fathom. My effort to contact Star Fleet Command was intercepted by the Communication’s Officer and I was told that we’ve entered restricted space. I am left with the conclusion that there is something wrong happening aboard this ship and nobody in Star Fleet is aware of it except for me. I’ve done some research in the ship’s computer library and have discovered some startling facts about my new crewmates. The captain was disciplined for several offences and was just able to keep command of the Phoenix. The first officer and several of the command officers have had similar problems. The real eye opener was when I found out that the Chief Engineer was disciplined for possible drug use. He was tried by a tribunal headed by the captain and found guilty of dereliction of duty, with no mention of the drug charges, and confined to what amounted to probation and house arrest for six months. Many more of the crew had disciplinary problems but almost all of them were tried and acquitted right here on the Phoenix. Very few of the problems were ever reported to Starfleet. And those few were only for very minor offences with only the captain’s being of a serious nature. I have overheard some of the crew members talking about something called the Kessel Spice. It is supposed to be some kind of new elixir or wonder herb or something of that nature. Whenever it is noticed that I am within earshot they stop talking about it and stare at me until I move on. Whatever this Kessel Spice is it isn’t in the ship’s computers. I thought I also heard something about the new Empire but I’ve never heard of an empire in this sector of space before. What I wouldn’t give to be on board the Enterprise right now. Captain Kirk wouldn’t stand for the problems with this crew. I still can’t believe that Starfleet doesn’t have any idea of what’s going on out here. I have to find a way to transmit a coded message to Starfleet headquarters. I’ll send them the confidential records of the crew that I discovered, report our current location, and see what they want me to do.

“What’s up with the Captain and the rest of the crew?” Dan tried to keep it casual but the tension was obvious in his voice. Amanda looked blankly at him for a few seconds before shrugging. They had only been on duty for a few minutes and Dan was afraid he was rushing her but he had to know what was going on.

“What do you mean, sir?” Her features betrayed no emotion one way or another.

“You don’t have to call me sir, Amanda. You’ve served far longer than I have and, besides, we’re alone right now.” He paused before adding “And this ship doesn’t strike me as real tight on procedure, if you know what I mean?”

“May I speak frankly, sir, I mean Dan?”

“Yes, of course you can. I want to know what’s going on around here. I’ve been getting some very strange requisitions lately and nobody, not even the captain, will talk to me about it. And now we’ve entered a prohibited area. It’s almost like a damned conspiracy against me.” Dan stopped when he noticed the look on Amanda’s face. It seemed like a cross between confusion and sheer terror.

“I don’t know what’s going on, Dan. What area have we entered?”

“We’ve entered the UFC system.”

“Captain on the bridge!” shouted a crewmember at the communications post.

The captain and two security officers came out of the turbo lift and marched over to Dan and Amanda.

“Ensign Baker, you’re relieved of duty. I’m placing you under arrest and you will be confined to your quarters until further notice.”

“But why, Captain? I’ve done nothing wrong!”

“Then how do you explain this?” the captain said as he reached into a pocket of Dan’s uniform and pulled out a bag with a strange, orangish-white powder.

What the, how did that get in there? I don’t know anything about this!” Dan protested futilely as the security officers took him to his quarters. The captain turned to Amanda with a fierce glare.

“And you, Sergeant Blake! You’d better steer clear of bad influences like Ensign Baker. It will only bring you trouble and a court martial like he’s headed for.”

Supply Officer’s supplemental log. I have encountered more problems with the crew. Last night I was relieved of duty and placed under house arrest for drug distribution. I have no idea how the drugs came into my possession. Who will ever believe me now about the crew? It will look like I’m just trying to beat the charges against me by accusing the others. We are apparently in orbit around the “Time Planet” and I plan to get to the surface and make an attempt to contact Star Fleet. My only hope is to somehow get past the guards outside my cabin, make my way to the transporter room, and beam down before they discover me missing from my cabin.

Dan heard a commotion outside his cabin. He wondered what could be happening when suddenly his door slid open and Amanda Blake pulled two unconscious guards through the doorway. She handed one of their phasers to Dan and kept the other one. Dan inspected the phaser and then took hers and inspected it as well. He threw both of them down with disgust.

“They’re both out of power!” he said in answer to Amanda’s unspoken question. “I don’t think they wanted me to be armed during my escape attempt. What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to help. I didn’t know what was going on but it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out you’re being framed. I don’t want any part of that and so the only logical course of action is to help you prove your innocence. I figure that I’m either part of the problem or part of the solution.”

The corridors were strangely empty as they made their way down to the secondary transporter room. They snuck into the room only to find that it, too, was eerily deserted. On a hunch Dan set the transporter controls to center on the Guardian’s location instead of the outpost’s communications room. They were unarmed and didn’t know what kind of reception they would get on the surface. They had no sooner beamed down when a call came out for all hands to search and detain Ensign Baker. The alarm included the warning that he was armed and dangerous and to shoot first and ask questions later. They tried to run for the communications building but were cut off by their own crewmates, armed with type 2 phasers. They shouted out for the two fugitives to halt, in spite of their direct orders, before firing. Their aim was way off, however, and Dan and Amanda easily dodged the blasts. They cut back towards the Guardian and nearly ran right into the arms of a security detachment from the outpost. Dan suddenly realized that their only escape was through the Guardian itself. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem because the Guardian hadn’t activated since that fateful encounter with the crew of the Enterprise. But just before they jumped through the massive stone arch, the Guardian’s center activated with a flash, and they disappeared from view into the swirling mists of time. Just as quickly as it had activated the Guardian again fell completely dark and silent.

Dan and Amanda passed through the Guardian's center and suddenly found themselves tripping over dead bodies and then they slammed into a wall. The impact momentarily stunned them. Dan looked down to see the dead face of a man staring blankly up at him. The man's neck had been broken crushed and broken and he wore a uniform unlike any Dan had ever seen.

Where had the Guardian sent them and why? Dan suspected it wasn't for their benefit. Could the Guardian have motives of its own? Before Dan could get to his feet and look around something poked him in the back. It felt like the barrel of a phaser rifle and a voice behind him spoke.

"Freeze you Rebel scum!"