Show Jumping in Kelowna, this was the A/B division chammpionship. Scotty and I placed reserve champion.

Me and Scotty, Lisa and Ty, Jenny and Nova. Our team at the Championships. Go SPC!

This is Lisa on Ty and her mom, Linda.(top one) My friend, Jenny and Nova in the Champ's. (bottem one)

Testing day of my B examination. Here I am being tested to see if my bandaging job is perfect.

Playing in the sprinkler on a hot summer's day. Can you see the rainbow?

Here is a snapshot of me and Bronze at Chase Creek Three Day Event.

The younger members of Club all fancied up in thier costume for the Costume Class. Nadine+Misty, Christine+Jack, Nicole+Thunder, Tanis+Bonny, Tanya+Joe, Jandanna Ranch, BC.

Here is my friend Lisa (not the same Lisa as above)on Babe and her mom, Doreen on Bitsy in our driveway one summers's day.

Me and my very first event pony, Sunshine.

A halloween costume class, this was taken a long time ago. Here we have Catherine on Maggie, Julia on Copy-Cat, and me on Cyee.