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An album of my Friends

Welcome to my online photo album.

My best friend Cassie and me, New Years, 2000.

Wonderful friends; Michelle, Carrie, Me, and Jessica at the grad fashion show.

Katrina, Me, Nicole, and Michelle, at the fashion show.

Katrina, Me, and Michelle also at the fashion show.

My friend, Rie from Japan and myself at Margret falls.

Cassie and Scotty during Christmas break '99.

My other best friend Lisa and me, also during Christmas break.

Here is two of my greatest friends Carrie and Michelle, taken at our school.

Michelle and me at the "Grad 2000 Fashion Show."

School picture of Carrie (Care-bear.)

Photo of Niki (c...o).

School photo of Jessica. (Jade)

Pic of Erin (who is helping me create this webpage right now)

Snapshot of Lisa (Kitten)

Pic of Toni.

This is Katrina on our classe's band trip '99.

This is Carrie, Kathy, Angie, and Courtney. Taken on my school's sidewalk.