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I am in the process of improving this page, so in the near future there will be a larger array of photos from other trips.

On the way to Spruce Meadows to watch the American Championships. Me, Lisa, Jenny, Linda, Donna, and my mom.

Study Material for National Quiz in Nova Scotia Oct/99

BC's very own National A-B team eating licorice after studying. Christie, Cailin, Me and Jill.

Peggy's Cove. Our version of a Sears Catalogue advertisment. Jill, me and Nanamma.

Me on my way to a conference to represent BC and dispute our results. This is also in Nova Scotia in our dorm.

A picture on our way home after National Quiz. Here we are standing infront of a casino in Halifax, and yes that is our Limosine behind us. Me, Jill, Leslie, and Theresa. So long Nova Scotia!

Me, Lisa, my mom, Linda (Lisa's mom) and Cassie up at Silver Star.