Well I thought I would write this page as not many people have travelled to Russia and not sure what to expect. I know I wasn't. It is a great time to travel there, as so much history is disappearing so quickly.
Although there are a lot of famous sites to visit i found the most interesting thing is the different lifestyle, and how the country is coping after communism.
To get an interesting insight into what everyday life is like for the people in Moscow you might want to read this diary of everyday life.
Diary Of Moscow Life
The Moscow metro system is amazing. A lot of the stations are covered in paintings, sculptures, chandaliers. Worth travelling around just to take a look.
Once you get off the metro you will probably want to head for Red Square. St Basil's Cathedral sits at one end of the huge square, and the Kremlin along one side.
When I was in Moscow in summer of 1997, Lenin's masoleum was still open, but there were plans to finally put the man of plastic to rest.
When you visit the Kremlin I didn't think that it was that impressive, but well worth a visit while you are there is the Armory Museum. It has all sorts of items from when Russia was a rich country and the royal family ruled.
It is worth visiting a department store. It made me realise what I take for granted in the way of goods for sale sometimes.
Then take a walk along the fabulous Arbat, a pedestrian street filled with stalls, artists and musicians. A good place to pick up some souveneirs.
St Petersburg
Peter and Paul Fortress was built on Hare island, close to the centre of the city, on orders of Peter the Great in 1703. The fortress became the main political prison of Russia in the late 18th century. Inside you can read stories of what happened to the prisoners. The grounds also contain the Peter and Paul Cathedral which is the burial place of the Russian emperors.
The Winter Palace sits on the banks of the Neva river. It is almost 2km in length, and has 1054 rooms. It now houses one of the world's most famous museums, the Hermitage. It is the largest picture gallery in the world, but the building itself is worth a visit. You could spend a few days in here!
About a half hour drive out of the city is Peterhof Palace, built for Peter the Great. It has huge grounds which has many beautiful gardens and fountains. The palace is filled with ornate rooms covered in paintings. This is definately worth a visit to see how Russian royalty used to live in luxury.
Allow some time for border crossings. Getting into the country is not so bad, but leaving by road can take many, many hours. Be prepared to have to carry all your goods out of your car etc to have them inspected.
Be careful of the drinking water. Dont drink the tap water. But even be careful where you buy your bottled water, as on my trip all the people who had drunk a certain brand all got sick.
If you are trying to get a taxi into town and are walking along the street you will find that people will pull up for you. Anyone who has space in their car. As long as you are in a group you should be safe.