I did create some of the characters but use them if you want please credit me.
Tiger's Claw Part 1
"You've got to concentrate Cub keeping the Catfist undercontrol isn't easy." Ti said as he sent Ranma Flipping head first over a small ledge. "Shut up Ti this isn't easy and I suggest you remember I could kill you without breaking a sweat even though you can control the catfist." Ranma said "True cub of course that's why you need to learn, If you and Shampoo went full out with Akane the result would be devestating to both parties but if you use the cat fist aswell the fight will go allot cleaner and she can be put down easily." Ranma froze and Ti kicked him hard in the gut. "What do you mean put down I'm learning so I can stop her not kill her." "What ever you say cub whatever."
Nodoka was watching the two from up on the hill with her grandkids. "Grandma why does Mr. Ti call daddy cub." Xian asked "Well dear I don't know." "No reason he does it to agrivate Ranma go take your sister to your mother." Cologne said showing up. Nodoka looked at the old woman and caught on that what she would say wasn't for the kids. "Yes Zane take your sister and go see what your mother's doing." Nodoka handed the two year old to the five year old. "Is it safe for him to carry her." "Yes, we let Xian Practice on me." Cologne said laughing "you did I can't imagine you letting yourself do that." "Oh I didn't do it willingly but with both Ranma and Shampoo confronting me about it I gave in." "But now about why I came to talk with you Nodoka."
"Yes," "You may have noticed how Ti refers to Ranma as Cub?" "Yes it is strange why does he do that." "Even thought Ti now is as intellegent as a human he is still what he was when he was locked in his cursed form by Darniar." "I was raped by a woman." "NO Darnair wanted a killer so he used a tiger." "A tiger." Nodoka froze her son wasn't comepletely human. "Does Ranma know." "Yes and so does my great granddaughter but if it became public knowledge in the villige it would bring great dishonor so we the matriarchs who recognise the signs ignore them." "Why," "For one thing Shampoo will someday lead the tribe and another Ranma is a great asset and his decendence will strengthen the amazon bloodline emensly."
To be continued....
Okay this begins the final in the triligy of fics that Darkest Hours began.