Okay this is the prequal to Reunion so you allready know Ranma and Shampoo end up together but this also deals with how the characters changes specifically Akane. Also set after the end of the Manga(hope I don't make too many mistakes also OOC'ness please forgive but to make things turn out the way I want I have to monkey a bit.)
Darkest Hours Part 1
Shampoo aproached Ranma as he walked home with Akane. "Niho Ranma Shampoo need to talk with you." "Get lost Hussy" Akane said darkly. "Akane Shampoo promise not try anything but really need talk to Ranma." "Okay Shampoo Akane I'll catch up." Ranma jumped off Shampoo fallowed him. "That jerk" Akane said before heading home. "So Shampoo what do you want to talk about?" "Shampoo here to say goodbye Shampoo know Ranma no love her so Shampoo leaving." "Oh your going back to your villige?" "No Shampoo can never go home unless marry Ranma he no love her so Shampoo never go home." "Shampoo don't do this your still my friend I don't want you leaving because of me." "Ranma no understand this not about his pride Shampoo leaving because it is best for Shampoo not want to be here when you marry kitchen destroyer." "When are you leaving." "Tonight at Midnight when Great Grandmother meditates she not know I leave till she finsih." "I might see you off." Ranma said "Good bye Shampoo" "Good Bye Ranma."
Ranma made it back to the Tendo Dojo and was imediatly bombarded with questions. "What did you and that hussy want to talk about Ranma" Akane said comming into the room looking extremely mad "None of your business, Akane and you shouldn't call her that." Ranma said still angry at himself for how much hurt he had to have caused her. "Oh if you prefer that hussy to me why not get out of the house and go to her since your not man enough to face me." "What did you say Akane?" "I said you weren't man enough to face me." "Listen you violent Tomboy if you think I'm not a man tell me now so I can get out of here before I get forced into marriying you." "Get out Ranma I never wanna see you again." "Fine I'll go pack." Ranma headed upstairs. Nodoka got up went into her room and came out carriying something wrapped in black silk Genma headed out the back door.
Ranma was packing for a trip. "Son are you really leaving." "Yeah mom I supose your hear to make me commit..." He never finished "No I'm not what kind of woman do you think me son I would never have made you kill yourself." "But if you go take this it was my father's katana the women of our clan carry this one and the men the one I have given you remember it means you are trully a man despite your curse or what Akane says understand." Ranma held the black hilted Katana and it's black sheath "Thanks Mom I love you I'll see you again." "I know." She said crying.
Ranma was wattine outside the Neko-haten for Shampoo he had explained everything to his mother before he left she had surprisingly supported his decision to travel with shampoo not as a husband but as a friend. "Hi Shampoo lets go" he said as she landed "Ranma you come with Shampoo." "Not as your husband but as your friend understand." "Shampoo understand lets go." as the two of them silently made their way threw the city towards the forest.
to be continued...
Next time the reactions of the other suitors shall we say it ain't going to be pretty.