I don't own them I never claimed to please don't sue me oaky.

Darkest Hours Part 6

Akane struggled against the bonds but she couldn't break them. No matter how hard she pulled. "Don't bother you have alot of potential I think I'll use it." "I'll never help you you bastard." "Watch your langauge I don't need your help just your soul's shadow." with that Danair reached up and touched her forhead a small symbol appeared Akane screamed as a blue aura surounded her. Then it left merging into a ball that changed into a version of her with Long Hair and a better devoloped body "I am Aynaka at your service my master." "Excellent lets have a little fun before you leave for your mission."

"The time has come my students for you to return to Japan." "Yes, Master" Ranma and Shampoo said as they bowed deeply to the dragon. "You two are both fine students." "Shampoo you have mastered every Weapon or Amazon Techniqe I have taught you I had worried that you lacked the ability to learn techniques quickly." "I never had a reason to go beyond my limits before." Shampoo said looking at Ranma with a smile on her face. "and Ranma you have finally learned not to let your Ego and pride ruin things" "Yeah well thanks alot." Ranma said shattering the image of the perfect student. "Before you go let me do something about those clothes" with that a light flashed around his students and it ended with them being dressed in Black vairiants of thier normal fighting clothes with a green wave like design on the sides of the shirts and a green Sash as the belt. "Hey you mean we washed the same clothes everyday all this time and you could have made us new clothes." Ranma said angry "Your point." The dragon said with a hint of laughter.

"Welcome home Kasumi." Nabiki said even though she didn't feel much like celebrating it had been about a month since Akane had been kidnapped everyone from Kuno to Cologne was present for Kasumi's return they had all been seaching for Darnair's base without much luck. Kasumi entered leaning on Dr. Tofu "I really belive you should be out looking for Akane." Kasumi said with a bit of fear in her vioce "You needed worry we will find her soon." Cologne said "How old woman we've looked every where." Kuno barked angry that Akane was missing as was his pig tailed girl. "I say so because Ranma and Shampoo are on the way back." Cologne said with a searious expression he will obviously announce his location then. "When will Ranchan get here." Ukyou said exitedly "We're here what's up." a voice from the door said.

"Ranma," Nodoka jumped up and hugged her son. [Why didn't I see this comming] Ranma asked Shampoo "Ranma not nice to speak in chinese in front of people who can't." "I spoke in Chinese." Ranma asked "You did you learnt it from Master he only spoke in Chinese but made it so you understood it." Ranma shook his head "Sneaky old Dragon." "Ranma quit being so calm we have to find Akane?" Ryoga yelled. "Yes, Son you must save your fiancee." "I'm not mairrying Akane Pop but since she is my friend Lets go save her Shampoo."

"That won't be necessary." "Who are you?" Soun asked for once in control of his emoutions. "I am Aynaka, I will be your executioner." "Ranma, Shampoo that's Akane's shadow or Darkside Kill it and it will remerge with Akane as well as leave a trail I can follow." Cologne said. The fight was short instead of a hand to hand fight Ranma pulled out a nife and stabbed her. "Why you don't kill and don't use weapons." "Your not real and killing you will save the person your a part of." Ranma said grimly. The shadow faded.

The symbol on Akane's forhead faded. "too bad she was good in the sack of course you Akane remember everything she experianced." He said laughing at the crying girl.

to be continued.

Next time the battle with Darnair.

Okay so two more chapters to go.