Okay someone said I was making Akane into a monster well this chapter might shed some light on things.
Akane awoke from the same nightmare again ever since that day she failed to protect her sister and Kasumi was nearly killed flashing in front of her. "I lost Ranma and nearly lost my sister because I wasn't good enough now Kasumi safely works for me and I will get Ranma back once that slut shampoo and her kids are out of the way what ever spell she has on him will be gone."
"I can't belive she tried to hurt Zane" Nodoka said "Akane may have changed but I didn't think she would become a monster. "I can tell you what's happened." "Hikaru what are you doing here?" Ranma asked as the man stepped out of the mirror. "Shampoo called me and I thought I might clear up some things.
"You recall the even that nearly killed Kasumi" "Yeah it's a good thing Doctor Tofu controlled himself well enough to save her." "Well Akane blamed her self she felt she wasn't a good enough martial artist she practiced daily even asked me to help her master chi techniqes since magic works on similar princepals." "Go on." Shampoo asked "Well then she began studying under Happosai in exchange for his teaching she modeled his collection for him until he taught her how to draw power from emotion she choose anger and snapped" "Power corrupts is a trueism that cannot be denined" "Great Grandmother what are you doing here." Shampoo asked as the old woman let herself in. "Happi came to the villige and told me about what happened to Akane." "I belive she unleashed forces she couldn't control." Hikaru nodded.
"Well I confronted her about it and well she beat the shit out of me." Hikaru said grimly "by the time I had recovered she and Kuno were married." "Kuno changed allot as well at first he belived he would be the boss but after Akane tricked him while having sex to sign everything over to her she got Kodachi admitted and kept buttering up Kuno until she had crushed his spirit so he is her lapdog now."
"Yes, recently Kasumi's house burned down and she know lives with Akane I thought that was odd." Nodoka put in. "And Nabiki getting kicked out of college and the dojo getting condemed all were arranged by Akane" Hikaru said "she belives only if they are close to her can they be safe."
to be continued...
The event that endagered Kasumi takes place in Darkest hours sometime in the future of that fic.