- TheRainforestSite.com Almost 2 acres of tropical rainforest disappear every second. Corporate sponors pay The Rainforest Site in exchange for the opportunity to have you see their ads. The Nature Conservatory takes that money and buys 16.2 square feet of rainforest for each visitor to TheRainForestSite. This means that you can save 16.2 square feet of rainforest each day, for free, just by visiting this site -- and it only takes a few seconds. Why wouldn't you?
- GreenPeace "Greenpeace is the leading organization that uses peaceful and creative activism to protect the global environment. The site offers environmental information, photo and video galleries, press releases and online action items."
- United States Environmental Protection Agency "The mission of the U.S. EPA is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment - air, water, and land - upon which life depends."
- EnviroLink "The EnviroLink Network, non-profit organization, provides the latest environmental news, information, products and resources for the environmental community." EnviroLink also hosts the websites of over 400 non-profit organizations.