The Current Venture

As our first digital release, Divergence features music reflecting a broad array of influences. Deriving influence from bands such as Deliverance, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Slayer, DYOMINACH steeped the music in heaviness and attitude. Yet, a progressive and artful edge was also gleaned from influences such as Rush, Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Dream Theater in order to project a wider array and depth of emotion.

As a reflection of our current collective musical direction, Divergence features our striving to reflect where we are now as musicians, rather than rehashing any specific type of material which we had featured in any of our past bands.

Yet, to be sure, the foundation of our past musical meaderings certainly shows through in what we have written more recently. For instance, our music is still quite accurately described as generally heavy and even quite moshable in some spots!

Still, we are now exhibiting the vocal abilities of each band member-- beyond the occassional backgound vocal contribution. Also, we are making use of a keyboard synthesizer for a variety of sounds including a pipe organ, sleigh bells, and traditional piano sound. This would never have been considered in any of our previous bands.

Also, the lyrical orientation and general perspective has shifted from a more negative, and at times antisocial focus, to the opposite end of the spectrum; being even so bold as to thematically express an explicitly religious sensibility. The point here, again, being to reflect where we are now as individuals, musicians, and peers in life in general.

This is music for music's sake, not for money or fame. Our fondest intention is to serve the musical tastes of those who are alienated by the force-feeding of pop music and corporate rock that has been perpetrated by the well-oiled machine known as the music industry for decades. All this, while writing, recording, distributing and performing what we enjoy as the truest expression of our art.

You too could be the proud owner of a Divergence CD! Just email us at

to arrange a shipment or, if you would like to hear a couple of tracks first, click on the link below. Then, drop us an email to arrange a shipment.


A Word About the Future

The future of anything in the universe is uncertain, but the main intention of DYOMINACH is to continue to allow our music to evolve and incorporate new influences-- whether we ever hit the proverbial "Big Time," or not. We make music first for ourselves, in terms of what we enjoy, and at the risk of sounding indifferent; we are largely unconcerned with what the mainstream world as a whole thinks of it. Nonetheless, we prefer to expose people to our music and truly appreciate whatever sort of feedback (especially applause) we may receive because performance is our forte, as it is said. It is a great thing to be commended for doing what you love to do-- as having done it well. Thus, we will continue to strive to entertain and elicit discussion; in addition to making the music we indeed love.

Coming at ya from Portland, OR!

Again, our E-mail address is: So, be sure to send us your comments/questions!

Asta la something!