- 2
EPISODE - 2 Then welcome, oo thub welcome
1 - Toothbrush Orgasm ... and basically I keep
on brushing as hard as I can,
Simon Mayo lying in a
ditch and pissing
2 - Doctor's Surgery: Synchronised Cocks Swing your hips. Make it
slap against your thighs
3 - Monologue: Suicide Journalist He said he was sorry he was
late, but actually
Zoe Ball, hanging from
the ceiling
4 - Michael Alexander St John: Club Scene Saturday at The Vag in Glasgow,
5 - Kiddie Gangsters: Dial-A-Murder One fucking word to anyone
and I'll hack your balls off
Steve Lemacq shaking hands
with an elephant
6 - Lizard TV I'm not having a TV pouring
lizards into my house
Sketches not yet
supplied by Matt Honeyball at