EPISODE - 5 Then welcome, mm ah,
1 - Swimming In The Fish Tank Its guts are coming out
of its mouth
2 - Stupid Watchmen They didn’t look like thieves
at all, they were
3 - Mr Martinue Goes To The Zoo The rhinos are winning today
and they shall
Kevin Greening farts like
a sax
4 - Doctor’s Surgery: Fighting Therapy He bloody bashed me while
I was on the phone
Steve Lemacq shaking hands with an elephant
5 - Unemployed Welshmen We used to meet Lenny the
Goth up there
6 - Telephone Number Uncertainty Just try all the numbers
with a seven at the end
7 - Monged Sex Suck my little twin
8 - Symptomless Coma If he felt anything, it would
only have been
Sketches not yet
supplied by Matt Honeyball at