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Grandma Betty's Memorial

Grandma Betty's Memorial

I want to share my story with you. I lost my mother 6 years ago. Her death was very unexpected and a shock. My mom was only 45 when she passed away. She had just celebrated the births of her first 2 grandchildren and her 29th wedding anniversary. The following is the story as told from point my of view.

On 21 Jun 92, my mom learned that she was a grandmother for the first time. My parents drove out to California to see Brian, myself and their first granddaughter. Both of my parents were very excited. After their visit, my parents returned to Idaho.

On 4 Oct 92, my parents celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. I was proud that my parents were still married and still loved each other, their love and devotion in their marriage will always be an inspiration to Brian and I.

On 9 Oct 92, my mom called me, to tell me, that my sister Wendy had a baby boy. I was happy that my sister's pregnancy ended on a good note. My parents drove out to California again to visit Wendy and her husband. Their visit lasted a week. The last thing I told my mom on the phone before she left to see Wendy was "We love you, Mom." She informed me that she would call back the following weekend upon returning to Idaho.

My mom returned to Idaho on the 15th. She bowled Thursday night. Friday night, she went to the American Legion Hall, with my dad, to play Bingo. Later that night, they returned home and prepared for bed.

At 3:00 a.m., my dad awoke to the sounds of snoring. This was unusual, because my dad was the only person in the family who snored. As he was getting out of bed, he noticed that not only was she not in bed, but her side was wet. He found her in the bathroom, collapsed on the floor and unconscious. She was bleeding from the mouth and nose. My dad shook her and yelled her name, when she did not respond, my dad immediately called 911. At this point, my mom was still breathing. The EMT's arrived and proceeded to insert a breathing tube to help her breath, because they were having trouble getting the tube in, the EMT's decided to roll her on her back. This is when she flat-lined on the floor. After trying unsuccessfully to revive her, the coroner was called. When the coroner arrived at the house, he examined my mom. From his initial diagnosis, my mom died from a cardio-pulmonary aneurism-embolism.

My dad had the difficult task of calling the family members and telling us whathappened. When my dad called me, he asked me where Brian was. I told him that Brian was at work. My dad would have preferred that Brian broke the news to me, but he was not that lucky. After I hung up the phone, I called Brian at work and asked him to come home, that it was a family emergency. He asked what was wrong, I told him that dad called from Idaho. Mom died last night. Before saying another word, Brian said he was on his way home, he was getting a ride from a friend.

My mom's passing was very hard on my youngest sister, Melody. To this day, she still blames me her passing. To make matters worse between her and I, I learned right after the new year that we were expecting another baby. After a long talk with Brian, we called my dad and asked him how he felt about naming the baby (if it was a girl) after mom. He liked the idea. NO, he loved the idea. Well, my sister, Melody, accused Brian and I of getting pregnant just so that we could name the baby after mom. Brian and I were angry with her. You don't get pregnant willingly, when you are using b/c. Besides, there is no rule that says you can't have 2 kids with the same name in the same family. So, the newest addition in the family is named after her grandmother (who passed away 17 Oct 92) and after her great-grandmother (who passed away 18 May 02).

All in all, there have been times when I have found myself talking to my mother. It is a great comfort to talk to her. Even though she is not here physically, I know that she is here spiritually.

Mom, as a reminder of your time here on earth,
I light this candle in your memory

You are listening to Music Box Dancer.
This was my mother's favorite instrumental.

Page Established: 14 Nov 98
Last Updated: 1 Mar 04 Time: 1929hrs ( 7:29p)

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