Storm Rain JP Castell Alan

OFA - WCP-7432G (Good)
Eyes - ACVO Clear 29 Apr 2005

Ichiban arrived from Japan as gift to our daughter from Mr. Seya. He is a darling, so full of life and himself. He has been a natural show dog from the beginning and won Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at his first shows in Canada August 2003.

Ichi ventured to Arizona in March 2004 and, even though he was changing "wardrobes", he won his first two American Championship points! We were very happy that Ichi's breeder, Manami Seya, was visiting from Japan to see the win.

Although Ichi has taken 2 1/2 years off to grow up, he came out at our local Boise shows October 2006 and directly won both his majors. Hopefully, the next 7 points will be "down hill".

Best of Winners (major) Oct 2006

Best of Winners (major) Oct 2006

Ichi began looking for his last 7 points in Utah, May 2007. At a 4 show cluster, he won 3 or the 4 days to pick up 6 points.

Then on to the Idaho shows in June 2007 where he picked up his last point to finish his American Championship! Thanks are due Willie Miller for stepping in to show Ichi when a family emergency kept Kathleen from attending the shows.

His first show as a Champion he won Best of Breed, followed by a 3rd place in the Herding Group! This boy just might have a future as a Special!

He is now living in Seattle with is "owner", our daughter Kirsten.