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Idaho Welsh Corgi Rescue

These are the success stories of those that have come into our Rescue and been adopted into loving, forever homes!

Updated November 2015

Sadie - ADOPTED October 2015! Thank you, Becky! Sadie came to us, originally, from an inappropriate home she had been placed. With no "after sale" assistance, Sadie quickly became the alpha in her home. Although she graduated from multiple obedience classes, her owner simply did not have the skills to regain alpha position so Sadie came to us. She was eventually placed in a good home that made huge progress with her until an unexpected baby came along. Via the local Shelter, Sadie has come back to us. She is a good dog, loving, spayed, housebroke, leash broke, crate trained and has learned that she does NOT rule the universe! Sadie was 7 years old April 2013 and a trimmed Fluffy.

BobbyRobert - ADOPTED March 2015! Thank you, Otto!This guy was lucky to be rescued as a puppy from less than desirable conditions. He was totally un-socialized but the people purchasing his littermate couldn't leave him there so took both pups (he just turned 2 in July). Bobby was given a lot of love and he began learning to trust. As the family worked for the USFS they had a hectic schedule and knew they couldn't be consistent with the right training to help Bobby along. They knew he needed a "corgi-savvy" place and opted to call IWCR. We're thankful they did as Bobby has blossomed and is learning that other dogs can share the "love space". This little guy needs LOTS of love and patience but we believe he will become a great pet once he feels secure. He needs a home that understands corgis as well as how to build confidence and trust. If you think you have what it takes, we'd love to hear from you. Bobbie will be 8 years old in July 2013. It is my thoughts he would make a great companion for an elderly person that isn't terribly active but has a fenced yard and lots of love to give.

August 2007 Abbey - Abbey has been returned to her breeder.

Abbey was turned into IWCR after her owner died suddenly from an aneurysm. Although from records, it appears Abbey has had numerous homes, she is very well adjusted and confident.

June 2004 Kordy (now called KatieMae) was found wandering the streets pretty banged up, heavily matted and dirty.

Due to Katie's age and the number of years she has been here, we have decided she will live out her days with us.

Katie joined our household as a rescue on June 13, 2004. We spent 4+ years with this delightful, loving corgi girl. We saw her thru winters we didn't think she'd make due to her severe hips and arthritis but her tenacity never ceased to amaze us. She loved her weekly trips to Wal-Mart for popcorn chicken, being loved and played with by our Grandson, Camden, who comes down every summer and just being a much loved house dog. Unfortunately, we lost Katie on October 17, 2008 to a severe enteritis her old body just could not fight - NOT her physical incapacities we expected. Her bright smile is sorely missed but knowing her last 4 years on this earth were filled with love, caring and companionship was >worth the hole in our hearts.

April 2007- Ginger originated from a "backyard breeder", left her first home due to her bossy-ness then came to IWCR because she was being too bossy with two German Wirehaired Pointers! Fortunately, we had the PERFECT home just waiting for Ginger. She now is an only pet with the awesome job of keeping a senior citizen active. Ginger now resides with Claire Short in Seattle. Not that Claire needing keeping busy but she definitely needed the company!

March 2007 - Cora (now CoraJean) was turned over to Rescue due to lack of time to devote to her. She was purchased as a puppy from an Idaho pet store. She was born December 9, 2005 and is red/white female with "longer" legs and a natural bobtail. CoraJean is good with cats and other dogs, doesn't bark, dig or bite. She is crate broke, housebroke & rides well in a car in her crate. She has never expressed any aggression or attempted to bite. CoraJean likes sleeping on your bed & does tricks. Thank you Leisa Hamilton and family for giving CoraJean her loving forever home! She's playing fetch and chase with Leisa's young son, Hudson.

April 2006 - Merlyn - Merlyn was with us two years but is now happily in his forever home in Oregon. Thank you Marilyn Porges for letting Merlyn "pick" you. He was 4 in January and is a typical dominent corgi boy but social. Merlyn trimmed his waistline considerably while residing with IWCR. He had no "vices" that we found but did require an experienced "corgi savy" owner.

July 2005 - Leo - Leo has been adopted by Kristina Johnson. He had been dominated and intimidated by Merlyn so he was placed separately. Since coming to us Leo blossomed into a playful, affectionate corgi. He now has learned to be a playmate for Kramer, one of our pups Kristina had previously adopted.

JUNE 2005 - Fergie THANK YOU TO ANN BAETSCH FOR FINDING ROOM IN HER HEART FOR FERGIE! I REALLY THINK IT WAS "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT". October 2004Fergie was picked up by the Idaho Humane Society. Her owners were identified and she was rescued after she was left there due to a new human addition in her home. Fergie is a Corgi/Labrador mix and what a sweetie she is! She is VERY corgi-ish and not much bigger although stockier. Her pictures below are taken with a "correct" sized corgi to show the difference in size. Fergie is spayed, housebroken, good with kids and VERY loving. She was microchipped before she left our Rescue. It is very obvious that she has been well loved - we can't imagine HOW she could have been left at the shelter! Fergie is approximately 35 pounds and 15" tall so she's a very nice size. Although she has down ears, when they are held up, her face looks like a corgi.

May 2005 - Corky

Corky wandered into a yard in Richland, Washington. The "finder" put an ad in the local newspaper and was able to find Corky's owners. A week later he turned up again. Taking him back to his home, it was found they had moved away and left him. He is about 18 months old, a natural bobtail and a true sweetie with a loving corgi temeperament. Thanks to Mary Feldman from Utah, Corky has a new forever home where he will keep Mary company as well as their Golden/Chow mix.

February 2004 - Shiloh Shiloh was found wandering the streets with two other intact males. He was subsequently picked up by Animal Control who called us. Shiloh was a bit slender and somewhat shy of strangers but otherwise in good condition. We estimate his age to be around 18 months. He appears to have been a "farm dog" that was allowed to wander yet stay relatively close to his master. He is good with other dogs and responds well to commands.

May 2004 Shiloh has been adopted. Thank you, Dawn and Greg Jones (and Jonsey, their corgi X) for giving Shiloh a loving, forever home!

May 2004 - Little Man Litttle Man has been adopted by Bill Gillette of Washington and is now "Barney". The two spend their time living on Bill's boat and cruising the coast line! This "Little" Man was found huddled on someone's porch on a cold October night. He was wearing a collar with a ring on it where a (probably) rabies tag used to hang. He was brought to us as a corgi mix, however, we don't feel this sweetheart has any corgi in him. Numerous efforts were made to find his family who, I'm SURE, are missing him with no results. He appears to be about 3 years old, is sweet, affectionate, well mannered, neutered, housebroke.

November 2002 - Shorty & LilyLilly and Shorty are now comfortably in their new home with Bryan, Char, Heather (13 yr. old Corgi), Will & Ben. The boys are delighted to each have their own dog now! Shorty (a 4 year old, sable & white, intact male) and Lilly (2 year old red & white, intact female) were turned into our Rescue due to a divorce. They are happy, well adjusted dogs, good with kids, other dogs and housebroken. Both were altered prior to placement
Shorty and Lilly, hours after their "surgeries". Lilly had some bleeding complications and didn't feel too good until morning. Shorty never left her side except to get an occasional pat or scratch from me. You can see, he even brought her a gift bone, hoping to make her feel better. It was very touching watching him be a caregiver!

Duke & Copper were owner surrendered to the Las Vegas SPCA due to a child developing allergies to them. They are 3 1/2 years old, both red/white neutered males, unrelated but with the same birthdate. They have been raised together and with children. Housebroken. Both are good natured but over-weight at this time. We will take some time to reduce their weight and evaluate them. It would be wonderful to keep them together, but they appear to be well-adjusted enough to separate to the right families.

This is Duke.
Duke has been adopted!

May 2001
Some recent pictures of Duke with his "Forever Dad", Steve. Look at that suave Dukester!!!
This is Copper
Copper has been adopted!

June 2001
Copper with his "forever boy", William. He's been sleeping on William's bed since his arrival!

Cowboy was an 8 1/2 year old, neutered, Black-headed Tri male when he arrive in our rescue due to family problems. Cowboy is a very sweet, healthy, active dog and is current on all vaccinations and housebroken. He gets along wonderfully with children and is good with other animals.

Cowboy has been placed!

December 2000

October 2000

Patsy was an owner-turn in. She was having an environmental "people possession" problem which had caused a few fights with the other dogs in the home. When the owners could no longer deal with her problem, they called "Rescue". Patsy is now living in a wonderful home as an only dog and is the constant companion of Mildred.

September 2000

Winston was turned into Hearts United for Animals in Omaho, Nebraska along with his kennel mate, Foxworth, by a vet who had received them to be put to sleep. Apparantly, their owners were divorcing and couldn't decide who should get who so they decided neither would get one. Foxworth was adopted almost immediately but Winston remained. Castell Rescue was contacted by a local woman looking for a rescue for an elderly friend. They were put in touch with HUA and the adoption was arranged but transportation was a problem due to airline restrictions. As I was driving to PA to the 2000 PWCCA National, I opted to pick Winston up on my way out East. Winston was pretty baffled by the loss of his kennelmate then the change of environment to strangers again. At the National he would run up to every corgi he saw looking for Foxworth. As the days went by he became more and more adjusted and, slowly, a normal corgi personality began to emerge. By the time we got Winston home, he was every bit the wonderful dog he had shown promise of, albiet overweight. Jill and Velta came down the very night we got home and it was love at first sight! Winston is keeping Velta young by insisting on walkies and plenty of play timeVelta was devastated when Winston made his trip to the Rainbow Bridge, suddenly and unexpectedly, 2003.

There are many corgis around the country looking for homes. Email us for contact information!

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