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  • BOSpy V1.99a - Download now - 173K
    BOSpy detects if an intruder (hacker) tries to hack into your computer using the program 'Back Orifice'. BOSpy tells you everything the intruder is trying to do and can also make it seem to the him that he is succeeding in his attempts to access your files. BOSpy lets you send back custom messages to the hacker and even strike back at him. Hides in the system tray and alerts you when an attempt occurs, BOSpy contains multiple options like 'Attack on hack' and 'Blink in tray'.


  • PcLock V1.00 - Download now - 7K - Download Source Code
    Simply put anywhere, its a simple exe file and once executed, it will cover the entire desktop hiding everything and will wait for a password to be deactivated. It comes with a predefined password that will deactivate it. The password can be changed by requesting it from Chaplin Corp. Once the program is run, it is impossible to terminate it unless you enter the correct password. Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Ctrl-Esc wont work, there is no way to deactivate it without the password.


  • Sprite Editor V0.5 BETA - Download now - 13K
    Used to create RPGs, this sprite editor allows you to create 32x32 sprites, many usefull commands and tools to create and test sprite images. It's still in its BETA stage but we do encourage you to try it out, we are looking forward to some feedback.


  • Colored Windows Demo BETA (v.MFC) - Download now - 64K
    There it is, the new colored windows, this is the Win32 API version of Colored Windows, we are currently working on the MFC version. Click on 'download now' to get the zipped executable and get a feel of it's new interface.


  • Cell Grow Animation V1.0 - Download now - 18K
    Cell Grow? What's this? Before you ask, it has nothing to do with 'hacking'. It simulates the growth of cells in an environment where the food constantly grows. Try it and you will see that it's visualy attractive and can be used as a screen saver or it can be something you stare at for a while when you've got nothing to do. Download it, try it for yourself, and tell us what you think.


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