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Babar Masih Case

Investigation Team                 Joseph Francis
                                                  Pervez Aslam Choudary(Advocate)

Baber Masih got married to Kausar in 1984 in Gujranwala. They had five children, two son and three daughters.  Baber’s son Tanveer, who had nine months old, died. Baber, being an employed did not have money to arrange food for the mourners.  His Muslim friend Ilyas Sheikh came to his aid and arranged food for all the guest.

After the death of his son, Ilyas Sheikh urged Baber to leave Gujranwala and rent a house in a village near Muridkay.  Ilyas also got him employed with a local land owner, Afzal Cheena on monthly wages of Rs. 1500/=  Baber left his house in Gujranwala and settled in Muridkay with his family.

After few weeks Ilyas Sheikh started giving hard time to Baber.  He insisted Baber to give his 13 years old daughter Saima’s hand in marriage to him.  Strongly objected to this proposal which also made Ilyas violent.  He threaded Baber that he would kill him and will them marry his daughter.  He also accused Baber of taking 2500/= debt from him, which he demanded to be paid immediately. Baber was declared to be defaulter of money that he never borrowed and he paid it saving his life.

Afzal Cheena, who was a friend of Ilyas also betrayed Baber. As promised Baber did not get his wages.  To pay the rent Baber borrowed Rs. 1000/= from Ilyas, who in books entered Rs. 3500/= and got Baber’s thumb print.  Baber being illiterate put his thumb marks in the books with false figure.

After few months Ilyas started harassing Baber’s daughter, wife and at occasion tried to rape his wife.  Baber left his daughter Saima with their relatives in Gujranwala. Ilyas when came to know of this became violent and forcibly took his son Hameed,  11years old with him.  He threatened Baber that he will out let his dept 3500.

Baber  Masih knocked the doors of all the local administration but after getting no aid from any where he came to CLAAS office through a friend on  11-9-99.

Through CLAAS office a Habeous was filed in the Lahore High Court dated 13-9-99 for the recovery of the child.  On 17-9-99 Hameed was recovered through a bailiff from the illegal detention of Ilyas Sheikh.

On 17-9-99 Hameed was produced in the court, which ordered the concerned police station to register case a against Ilyas Sheikh. After six days the  case was registered in the city police station Muridkay.


Recently Baber Masih informed CLAAS that Ilyas Sheikh has approached him for compromise.  He asked for CLAAS decision on thus.

CLAAS assured Baber that it would assist him in settlement as to his satisfaction and as Baber and his family had to live in the same vanity and cannot afford to prolong this case.

Reported by
M. Joseph Francis
Coordinator  CLAAS